rEP CON 2022

Harriet Dunbar-Morris- Dean of Learning and Teaching

At the University of Portsmouth, we are committed to ensuring that our students have the best experience possible. As Course Reps, you are key to ensuring that the student voice is heard and valued. At the University we will work with you to obtain feedback, facilitate discussions around it and create plans for making changes to enhance the student experience. By working with Course Leaders, tutors, and administrators in Faculties, and training delivered by The Union, you will be well-equipped to carry out this important role of Course Rep and create meaningful change at the University.

Ayoola Johnson- Academic Representation Officer

I am Ayoola Johnson, your elected Academic Representation Officer. I take a lead role in representing students' academic interests and all aspects of the academic experience. I oversee the Course Representative Structure and I am delighted that I will be working together with you this academic year.

Being a Course Rep is such a rewarding experience: it is an incredible opportunity to advocate for your fellow students, meet and build relationships with staff, develop some fantastic employability skills including confidence and communication, make a positive impact on the student community, and lots more!

The Faculty Reps, the Student Focus Team and I will be here to support and develop you in your roles throughout the year. I wish you the best of luck for the year ahead and look forward to working with you all. If there is anything you need, we are here to help no matter how big or small the issue. I hope you enjoy being a Course Rep this year and that you find it a rewarding experience.

Dominic Owen- Democracy and Campaigns Officer

Jade Underwood- Learning Experience Officer

Temidayo Dosunmu- Development Officer

Natasha Layley- Welfare Officer

Keep up to date with what the Elected Officer Team are up to here!

What do Course Reps do?

Gather students feedback

Course Reps seek student opinions on any aspect of their course such as learning resources, facilities, teaching, assessments and general feedback, and they strive to use these opinions to improve the University experience. There are various methods to gather feedback, including: conversations with students, lecture shout-outs and the StART platform. Course Reps are also expected to communicate to students on any responses to their feedback. We will provide detailed training on this as it is an important part of the role.

Represent students in University Meetings

Course Reps are expected to attend and contribute to Student Voice Committee meetings. They can also attend other University meetings. Such meetings are the ideal place for Course Reps to share the feedback they have gathered and begin conversations around what can be done to respond to the feedback, and how the student experience can be enhanced. Course Reps are expected to impartially represent the views of their entire cohort and not just their own opinions. The Student Focus Team are available to support you in the preparation for your meetings.

Complete and/or attend essential training

Course Reps are expected to complete essential online training (see, as well as to attend one of our Course Rep Conferences, either in person or digitally. This year's Rep Con will be taking place on the 19th of October.

Further development training will be available to you throughout the year. This training is a great opportunity which will provide you with skills that look great on your CV.

Take part in The Union's representation process

Course Reps should spread awareness of and make use of the Have Your Say platform, where students can submit ideas to improve the student experience. You should try to keep up to date with the sort of ideas that are being advocated, as well as encourage fellow students to use this platform.

Academic Representation Structure

The Elected Officers are students who have been voted by their student community to represent five different development areas. Each Officer will work with their Student Union, student representatives and University staff to deliver what was promised in their manifestos. All of their efforts go to the student community, as they work full-time to represent the student voice in senior-level meetings.

To do their jobs the best way possible, they need to be engaged with students. Within each Faculty, there are Faculty Reps and Deputies, who provide student feedback to the Elected Officers from the schools they represent in their respective Faculties. To close the feedback loop, these students may also give guidance to Course Rep, or provide updates on policy changes, etc.

As you’ve guessed it, the feedback that Faculty Reps work with comes from Course Reps, who represent the course and school they study in. With the Student's Union's support, Course Reps can drive change within their faculty and represent the voice of their student community by providing an essential link between students and the University.

Alongside the feedback, and structure are Student Voice Assistants. They are paid student-staff that work closely with Faculty Reps and the Representation Team at UPSU to support the feedback function, so things run smoothly. Unlike Course Reps, Faculty Reps and Elected officers, Student Voice Assistants are not representatives. But, they support Faculty Reps and guide them on keeping track of their goals.

Behind the scenes, the Representation Team at UPSU works to support all of this! We also work with students to create new changes to the system itself to ensure that it runs smoothly for feedback to get to the right places, and in turn, to leave a positive impact on the student experience at Portsmouth!
