Dionne Curren

There is no homework assigned in French classes, with the exception of final copies of projects and composition corrections. If you are well enough to study when you are absent, review your current notes and/or resource papers. You can also use the resources in the Google classroom stream for additional help and/or practice. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any questions about what you missed. Students have 5 school days to complete make-up work, which includes taking any tests or quizzes that were missed during the absence. Students will not earn credit for make-up work/tests/quizzes if their absence is unexcused.

Daily Schedule

  1. French 1/2 CJH

  2. French 1/2 CJH

  3. Planning

  4. French 5/7

  5. French 3/4

  6. French 3/4

dionne Curren

French 1-8