
2024 Symposium - The Power of Women in Science

Pagan-Torres interacted with K-12 students at the 2024 Power of Women in Science Symposium, which took place at UPR-Rio Piedras. The symposium attracted over 600 participants and offered students the chance to engage with Latina scientists involved in a range of research fields, including space exploration, energy, and sustainability. 

First year UPR-ChemE undergrads visit the Pagán-Torres lab 

First-year ChemE undergrads visited Pagán-Torres lab to learn about catalysis, energy, and sustainability. Graduate student Maria Jose explains her research on turning carbon dioxide into methanol. 

2024 UPR AgroPlug 

Interactive activities showcased at AgroPlug were inspired by research from the Pagán-Torres lab, emphasizing energy and catalysis research for K-12 audiences. 

Molecular Sciences Research Center Open House (K-12) 

Interactive activities presented at MSRC inspired by the research conducted in the Pagan-Torres lab focused on energy and catalysis research (~232 participants from K-12).

Visits to west-coast schools in Puerto Rico 

Presenation of educational module "Catálisis la luz del futuro" at a middle school located on the west coast of PR (~90 students and 7 teachers participated). 

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)

RET Program- Mr. Abimael González (high school science teacher) spent the summer in the Pagan-Torres lab studying catalytic materials. Mr. Gonzalez developed an educational module for his classroom, inspired by the research being conducted in the lab. Mr. González also shared the activity with Wisconsin Teachers visiting UPRM as part of the UW-Madison MRSEC RET program.

Symposium- "El poder de la mujer en las ciencias" 

High school student visits to the Pagan-Torres lab 

High school students visit the lab to learn about current research efforts at UPRM-ChemE, including catalysis, energy, and sustainability!

Video- "Catálisis la luz del futuro" 

Video- "Catálisis la luz del futuro" - Aimed to spark the curiosity in STEM of K-12 students!

Presenter: Edgar Turizo