


Jesus Sanchez (Washington University in St Louis): jesuss@wustl.edu

Sheagan John (Colorado University): sheagan.john@colorado.edu

Ahmad Reza Haj Saeedi Sadegh (Northeastern University): a.hajsaeedisadegh@northeastern.edu

Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M): guoliangyu@tamu.edu

Angel Roman (Washington University in St Louis): angelr@wustl.edu

Xiang Tang (Washington University in St Louis): xtang@wustl.edu

Robin Deeley (Colorado University): robin.deeley@gmail.com

Kun Wang (Texas A&M): kwang@tamu.edu

Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M): xiaoyuegongzi@tamu.edu

Jintao Deng (University at Buffalo): jintaode@buffalo.edu

Qiaochu Ma (Penn State): qkm5040@psu.edu

Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M): jinmin@tamu.edu

Jesus Sanchez (Washington University in St Louis)

Refinements in Local Index Theory

Abstract: The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is one of the great pillars in global analysis connecting the fields of analysis, topology, and geometry. To date, there are various approaches to the subject of index theory, local index theory having its focus on deriving characteristic forms from the local coefficients of a geometric elliptic operator. For a spin Riemannian manifold, the natural choice of operator is the Dirac operator on spinors. In this talk we will discuss recent refinements on the local geometry of the Dirac operator as well as the local geometry of a spin Riemannian manifold.

Sheagan John (Colorado University)

Localized Versions of Cyclic Homology and Cohomology

Abstract: Inspired by the localized $K$-theory construction of Moscovici and Wu, we define a pairing between a localized version of cyclic homology and cohomology. It is then possible to consider construction of a localized bivariant Connes-Chern character from localized $K$-theory ($K$-homology) to localized cyclic homology (cohomology), from which the aim is to derive localized index theorems. This is joint work with Markus Pflaum.

 Ahmad Reza Haj Saeedi Sadegh (Northeastern University)

On mod two index of odd symmetric operators on non-compact manifolds

Abstract: In this joint work Maxim Braverman, we investigate elliptic operators with a symmetry that forces their index to vanish. We study the secondary index, defined modulo 2. We examine Callias-type operators with this symmetry on non-compact manifolds and establish mod 2 versions of the Gromov-Lawson relative index theorem, the Callias index theorem, and the Boutet de Monvel’s index theorem for Toeplitz operators.

Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M)

The Novikov conjecture and group of diffeomorphisms ("Zoom" lecture)

Abstract: In this talk, I will give an introduction to the Novikov conjecture and report recent progress of the Novikov conjecture of groups of diffeomorphisms.  This is joint work with Sherry Gong, Jianchao Wu, and Zhizhang Xie.

Angel Roman (Washington University in St Louis)

Mackey Analogy and Higher Orbital Integrals

Abstract: The Mackey analogy is a phenomenon in representation theory that connects the space of representations of a reductive group with the space of representations of an associated motion group. In 2020, Nigel Higson and I successfully constructed an embedding, now called the Mackey embedding, between reduced group C*-algebra of the motion group and the reduced group C*-algebra of the complex reductive group.

Now, in a joint work Yanli Song and Xiang Tang, we attempt to bring the Mackey analogy to the higher orbital integrals of reductive groups and their associated motion groups. I will first present some results on the orbital integrals and their relations via the Mackey analogy. I will then present some formulas describing the higher orbital integrals for both the reductive group and the motion group.

Xiang Tang (Washington University in St Louis)

Helton-Howe Trace, Connes-Chern Character, and Quantization 

Abstract: In the early 70s, Helton and Howe proved a beautiful formula for the trace of commutators of Toeplitz operators. In the 80s, Connes greatly generalized the Helton-Howe trace formula using cyclic cohomology. And the Connes-Chern character contains the Helton-Howe trace as the top degree component. In this talk, we will study the Connes-Chern character for the Toeplitz extension from the viewpoint of quantization by extending the Helton-Howe trace computation to semicommutators. As an outcome, we will establish the Helton-Howe trace formula for Toeplitz operators with $C^2$-symbols for all weighted Bergman spaces. This talk is based on joint work with Yi Wang and Dechao Zheng.

Robin Deeley (Colorado University)

Hilsum bordism and relative constructions in unbounded KK-theory

Abstract: Many cycles in Kasparov's KK-theory are obtained from unbounded operators. Prototypical examples include the cycles associated to geometrically defined operators on a manifold (e.g., the signature operator, the spin^c Dirac operator, etc). Baaj and Julg defined the notion of an unbounded cycle in KK-theory and more recently, Hilsum defined the notion of a bordism in the context of unbounded KK-theory. Hilsum's definition is based on operators associated to manifolds with boundary.

In joint work with Magnus Goffeng and Bram Mesland, we defined an abelian group which is essentially unbounded KK-cycles modulo Hilsum's notion of bordism. This group maps to the standard Kasparov group via the bounded transform and in the commutative case can be related to the geometric model for K-homology due to Baum and Douglas. In particular, these KK-bordisms allow for relative constructions that are similar to (but more analytic than) ones developed in previous joint work with Magnus Goffeng in the context of geometric K-homology. I will discuss such relative constructions starting with those in geometric K-homology and then moving to KK-bordisms.

Kun Wang (Texas A&M)

Cuntz Semigroup and Cuntz Comparison for C*-Algebras

Abstract: Examples due to Villadsen, Rørdam, and Toms have shown that Elliott invariant is insufficient for the classification of all simple, separable, and nuclear C*-algebras. There are simple, separable, and nuclear C*-algebras that can be distinguished by their Cuntz semigroups but not by their Elliott invariant. In this talk, I will introduce the definition and some properties of the Cuntz semigroup. Brown, Perera, and Toms recovered the Cuntz semigroup for a well behaved class of simple C*-algebras by using the ingredients of the Elliott invariant - the Murray-von Neumann semigroup and the cone of lower semicontinuous traces. In this talk, we give a characterization of the Cuntz semigroup and Cuntz comparison for a class of C*-algebras with one non-trivial closed two-sided ideal, by using the lattice structure of the Murray-von Neumann semigroup and the cone of lower semicontinuous traces. This is a joint work with G. Elliott.