Classified Staff

Upland Strong is a campus wide initiative. As a classified staff member, you are a valued member of the Upland Strong team. You are a key component of the continued success of Upland Strong.

"As a classified staff member what do I need to do for Upland Strong?"

  • Know and model the schoolwide expectations: Responsibility, Respect, and Integrity. You don't need to be a classroom teacher to lead and teach by example.
  • Recognize positive behavior by giving Great Scot Awards. It just feels good to be recognized for a job well done. When people feel good, they are more likely to repeat a behavior. When you see a student demonstrating Responsibility, Respect, or Integrity, please pause and give them a Great Scot Award. Recognizing positive behavior builds positive behavior for the future. It is always time well spent.
  • Get involved! There are six subcommittees that need the perspectives of classified staff members to develop and implement policies and procedures that meet the needs of the entire school community. The subcommittees are as follows:
    • Tier I
    • Tier II
    • Staff Engagement
    • Family Engagement
    • Incentives
    • Data