Visual & Performing Arts

Activities for Art, Music, and Dance!

Band/Music students - Click on your band teacher's picture to access their online classroom.

Ms. Esbenshade

* All students will need to have a minimum of 25-30 minutes of Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) activities per week. If a student is enrolled in 4th-6th grade music/band, that counts as their VAPA time (please see below).

Non Band-Music students can choose a box from the "ALL" column or their grade level column to find the activity of their choice each week. There are multiple slides to choose from.

Learning Extensions for the Non-Band/Music student*

When you have finished your classroom work you can continue your academic learning with the extension links. Check with your teacher on how to submit these activities.

VAPA Asynchronous Learning 1st Trimester