Community Engagement

Since the beginning of January, we have been hosting the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton (UUCB) here at UPC. Their building is being extensively renovated and they needed a temporary home until the renovations are completed later this year. So almost all of their activities — worship, programs, meetings, offices — are now nested here in our building.

More photos from our celebration welcoming the UUCB are in our Google Photos album.

The UUCB has extended an invitation for us to participate in several of their programs that are being offered here at UPC. For more information on any of the UUCB’s programs, contact their office at 607-729-1641 or

Sunday afternoon discussion forums

The UUCB regularly has discussion forums on pertinent issues, and they’re inviting us to join in the conversation. Upcoming topics:

The Powers That Be — Sunday, February 9, 1:45pm

Kathleen McKenna of the UUCB and Rev. Gary Doupe, retired Methodist minister, will moderate a discussion of Walter Wink’s classic book, The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium.

Keeping America Safe — Sunday, February 16, 1:45pm

Doug Garnar of the First Congregational Church will lead a discussion on “Keeping America Safe,” a topic from the National Issues Forums.

Becoming Mentally Healthy

1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10am–12:30pm

In this class led by Amanda Jones and Christine McWhirter of the UUCB, we seek to learn more about the mental health difficulties affecting many of us, our families, and our friends, and to focus on how to enhance the mental wellness of us all. It would be good to have you with us.

Friends in Spiritual Practice

Sundays, 11:45am–12:15pm

All are invited to the UUCB’s Friends in Spiritual Practice group, which meets for meditation and discussion every Sunday. Members of the group facilitate meditation, which may be based on a variety of spiritual traditions, but which focuses on universal concepts such as love, mindfulness, and compassion. Sometimes we have a reading followed by a silent meditation; sometimes we offer a guided meditation. We encourage each other to experiment and incorporate what works best into our own individual practice. We strive to make our meetings accessible to everyone regardless of their prior experience in meditation.

Crafting Circle

3rd Saturdays, 1–4pm (meeting this month on January 25)

Do you like working on arts and crafts in good company? Do you have unfinished projects crying out for completion? Whether you enjoy knitting, drawing, beading, or another creative activity, consider joining the UUCB Crafting Circle. This is not a formal class and we need not all work on the same thing, but sharing knowledge and ideas will likely be part of the fun. Bring your project and, if you wish, a snack to share.

D&D etc. Role-Playing Games Group

Saturdays, 5:30–8pm

This group meets for fellowship and fun most Saturday nights. We play various table-top role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons and the Marvel X-Men game. For players ages 10 and up. Those interested in joining this group should contact Dungeon Master Pete. (His contact information is available from the UUCB office.)