Associate Pastor’s Letter

by Pastor Becky Kindig

Greetings friends,

What an amazing year we have had together at UPC Binghamton! Our office motto of “it’s never boring” has surely continued to be in effect.

As I looked through the reports and pictures contained in t he Congregational Activity Report, I had several thoughts. First, I continue to feel so extremely lucky that God has called and is continuing to call me to work here. Kimberly and I frequently say this to one another. This is an amazing congregation to do ministry in, and you all continue to amaze us at how eagerly and energetically you answer God’s call to work in this community. You are a great mix of wisdom and wonder, spontaneity and “decently and in order,” laughter and compassion. We have supported each other through many rough patches and sad losses this year which made parts of the year feel long and hard. But we also made room for some new ministry opportunities, some new programs to build us stronger as a congregation, and we continued to be a place of welcome and hospitality for all — which is an exciting and spiritually fulfilling place to be.

Second, I am thankful for the many people who make up this congregation. Every one of you works to make this congregation what it is. From the greetings and hospitality you show everyone on Sunday mornings, to the people who share their time and talents on Session and the Teams, to people who take time, thought, and compassion to pray, the people who reach out with phone calls and cards, the people who cook, decorate, wordsmith, organize, listen, make music, study, fix, vision, and dream. You all make UPC Binghamton a place that so many can call home. You all are wonderful and I am thankful for all you do.

And third, I am amazed at what we continue to accomplish to make the world, or at least our corner of it, a better place. We continue to nourish ourselves with worship and spiritual offerings. We educate ourselves on problems in the world and don’t try to hide from hard truths. We mean it when we offer welcome and hospitality even when it messes things up, makes scheduling harder, demands our time and treasure, and gets uncomfortable. This is truly a special place.

In November, we celebrated the 200th anniversary of Presbyterians in Binghamton as well as the 5th anniversary of the founding of UPC. Congregation members gathered after worship as time capsules from the former First and West Presbyterian Churches were opened.

See more photos from our anniversary in our Google album.

Please take time to read about the ministry we are doing here at UPC, and then thank the people involved for their efforts. And if you don’t know about one of the programs, mission partners, or ministries, take some time to ask those involved about it. Be proud of the work that we all do here and let’s look to keep UPC an amazing place that the presence of God is seen, heard, and felt by all who encounter us.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Becky