6b. Property Management

The Property Team would like to inform the congregation of three projects we will be starting this spring.

One involves the removal and replacement of the eight plastic window coverings in the front two side towers. This was one of the many improvements that were suggested to make the church look more inviting. They will be replaced with the same materials used over the three doorways in the front. This work was on our schedule to be completed, and with the approval of the PC(USA) loan, these 8 windows—as well as the remaining 31 old windows in the education wing, and the 9 basement windows—will be replaced.

The second project is the front entrance steps. This work involves the removal of the existing steps and replacing them with the same materials as required by the Historic Preservation board. New handrails will also be installed from the street up to the new steps.

Our third project is the repointing of the second floor of the education wing.

Building Renovation & Planning

The Property Team is exploring renovations of three areas in the building:

  • Lobby & office suite
  • First-floor bathrooms
  • Kitchen

Subcommittees have begun to gather information on needs of the areas, meet with architects, and put together possible plans and designs to submit to the Property Team, Session, and the congregation.

The Property Team had the “Bathroom Redesign” meeting during their February meeting. Some good questions were brought up and additional work is needed before the ideas will be forwarded to the architects.

Want to provide input in the redesign? Please speak with a member of the Property Team (George Cummings [Session liaison], Chris Burger, Bill Donohue, Jean Hill, Ken Mebert, and Maida Thomas) or email Pastor Becky, bkindig@upcbgm.org