6b. Property Management

Summer has been a busy time here in the building. Many of you have seen the repairs that are going on, and we’re happy to update you on what has happened—despite the delays the rain has brought us in accomplishing them.

Windows: All of the remaining old windows in the Education building are almost done being replaced. They look wonderful, and we’re looking forward to not feeling the cold wind blow through them this winter. This project was one that was held up by rain this summer, so they still have a few windows to replace and then most of the finishing trim work to do, but it is coming along.

Roof: The roof on the education building sprung some major leaks this spring, and we determined that it needed to be replaced. We have the latest technology of roof coating now sealing our flat roof. The new sealant technology has a 30-year warranty, and was also a “green” alternative since we did not have to rip off the existing roof and create waste for the landfill. Plus, it is white, so it will reflect the heat from the summer to keep the second floor cooler. We deeply appreciate everybody’s patience—especially the Wednesday morning sewing group, who kept getting wet as the roofers were finding the leaks to patch them before the final sealant was put on.

New Sign: The new sign has been ordered and we are awaiting the brick frame to be built and the electricians to dig the trench to lay the wiring and computer cable. We are anxious to see the final product, but do want to do things properly. We would like to finish the sign work with some plantings around it that will look attractive but also keep people away from the sign. If there is anyone who would like to take on that landscaping project, please let us know!

First Floor & Kitchen Renovations: We have contracted with BCK IBI architects (including our own Bill Sands), who will lead us through a study on a new design for the kitchen, the office, and the first floor—particularly addressing the bathrooms and the mold issue in the chapel. We have two teams of church members and staff who are meeting with the architects to tell them how we would like these areas to function before we get into any design elements. There will be a time where we will open it up for discussion and comments from the congregation in the fall.

Parking: Parking in downtown Binghamton has become increasingly difficult with the garage closures and the influx of BU student apartments. To avoid paying street parking, people have begun parking in our lot, which has caused many of the people who work or have programs here in our building to not have a place to park. We have come up with a potential solution of having hang-tag permits for our members and our building renters or program users. Different groups will have different colors so that our staff can quickly identify who is using our lot when, which will help us continue to develop a parking plan. But in the short run, anyone without a permit will get one warning and if they park again, will be towed. We greatly hope that this will discourage outside vehicles from using our lot during our busy times. Be on the lookout for more on this in the near future. We will need your help to implement this by having everyone have a hangtag in their car. We will also need some people to help at the desk in the first month to help register hang tags to regular users. We would like this process to be as easy as possible for everyone.

The Terrace Room skylights now have new solar covers, which let the sunlight in while keeping the solar heat out.

A big thank you to everybody who helps to keep this building running so that we can be a welcoming place in this community and touch people’s lives to the glory of God! Our Building staff: Eugene, Dave, Jamel, Horace, Tammie, and Susan; and our Property Team: George Cummings, Ken Mebert, Chris Burger, Maida Thomas, Jean Hill, Greg Patinka, and Pastor Becky.