About Mrs. Glenn

A little more about me.....in case you wanted to know.

I grew up in Lawrenceville, IL a small town of about 3,500. It is located 2 and 1/2 hours northeast on the Illinois/Indiana boarder. I graduated from Lawrenceville High School in 1994 and knew immediately that I wanted to teach. My parents were both teachers so the "apple" didn't fall from the tree; however, my mother taught Kindergarten and my father taught High School. So, I'm happy to say I landed in the middle! I have an older brother, David, who is the "Director of Online Strategies" and webmaster and for the Indy Racing League! I also have a younger sister, Emily, who graduated with her MBA and is the Director of Workforce Education at JALC.

I graduated from SIU-C'dale in May of 1998 and began working at Unity Point the same year. In July of 1999, I married my high school sweetheart, Aaron. He is a full time police officer for the city of Carterville. We have a son, Jarrett, who will be a senior in high school this year and a daughter, Kayce, who will begin her sophomore. With all their athletic events, they keep us on the go, but we wouldn't have it any other way! In August, 2003, I graduated with my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from SIU, and in May 2009, I earned my Educational Administrator degree. This past year I complete my middle school endorsement in English as a Second Language and am continuing my studies to learn new strategies to use within my classroom. I have to admit.... I just love to learn.

On a personal note, I am an avid sports watcher. I guess that has been embedded in me when I was young. My father, before teaching, was a radio sports broadcaster and my brother and I had our own "picks of the week" segment in the Sunday broadcast. In a small town, we were a BIG deal! Of course, I chose teams by their colors or mascots (purple for the Vikings and I bleed Cubbie blue). I do my best to show my support by flying flags in my classroom with the sport seasons. My brother, sister, and I enjoying planning weekends at the race track and have not missed an Indianapolis 500 in years...except the race due to Covid-19 protocols. :( ! Now with my brother working and traveling with the Indy League, Jarrett and Kayce have joined the tradition.

As you can see, family is very important to me...and that is no different with my school family. For the next two years, you will become part of my "family" --the best team Carbondale. We well together and enjoy doing what we do! I want you to know that if there is anything I can do to make your child's school year better, please let me know My email address is kglenn@up140.org and my phone is 529-4151 ext 134. This will be an exciting adventure for all of us. We, as a team, plan to make this the BEST year for your child.