Parallel Session 2

Room 7: Teaching and Learning GE

Ana Katrina P. de Jesus

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, UP Los Baños

Game-based Learning in Remote Learning Environment and How it Leads to Student Engagement

Lumberto Mendoza (Presenting Author)

Associate Professor, Philosophy, UP Diliman

Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance Consumerism

Sareleen Mae Manongsong

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, College of Science, UP Baguio

Gearing up from Industrial Revolution 4.0 to 5.0


Mark Oliver S. Llangco

Director, UPLB General Education Program

Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, UP Los Baños



Manongsong characterizes the features of Industrial Resolution 4.0 and a possible ongoing transition to IR 5.0. She uses this topic as a point for discussion in STS. Similarly, Mendoza reflects on the pervasiveness of AI algorithms in our everyday lives and the ethical issues it raises. De Jesus introduces storyworld gamification of modules in COMM 10.

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