UP Manila:

Main Delivery Platforms: Canvas and Zoom

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Combination of synchronous & asynchronous classes using Zoom and CANVASS

  1. Synchronous classes are recorded and uploaded to the LMS

  1. Modules, readings, and lecture handouts are also uploaded in the LMS

  1. Provided students the links to recommended YouTube videos

  1. Conducted group assignments

  1. Games are also introduced to supplement the learning activities

  1. They used the traditional and alternative assessments

Received Positive Feedback from Students:

Effective, except that some are not comfortable for group assignments and games

Received Complaints from Students: Heavy Workload (too many readings & activities)

Received Suggestions from Students for Improvement:

  1. To conduct more interactive synchronous classes

  1. To provide shorter and easier to understand readings

  1. To have a shorter turn-around time for feedback

Challenges they faced in the conduct of online classes:

  1. Intermittent Internet connectivity

  1. Power Interruptions

UP Los Banos

Main Delivery Platforms: Not mentioned

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Provided Module Worksheets

  1. Provided Module Activities

  1. Conducted summative assessments in the form of long exams

  1. Required a final project

  1. Provided videos from prominent Science Channels

Challenges they faced in the conduct of online classes:

  1. Most students have limited internet access, thus there are disruptions during online classes.

Actions taken:

a. They minimized the number of synchronous (i.e., they meet when necessary & attendance is optional) meetings and give only off-line examination.

b. Synchronous meetings are recorded and uploaded to the LMS

Observation during online class:

Students are doing their academic work on their convenient schedule (i.e., at night when internet connection is faster.

Step Taken: Provided a schedule of activities for the entire semester with flexible deadlines

2. The modules/readings contained concepts that are too technical for the non-science program students

Action taken:

a. Prerequisite topics are discussed in the synchronous meetings

b. They encourage the students to join in discussion forum

UP Cebu

Main Delivery Platform/s: Google Classroom

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Science 10 in UP Cebu is team-taught

  1. All teaching materials are set-up in the LMS before the start of classes

  1. Adjusted the syllabus based on remote learning policies and student feedback

  1. Classes are generally asynchronous for Geology topics and synchronous for the Chemistry topics

  1. Synchronous classes are intended to resolve issues and get feedback from the students (attendance is encourage but not required)

  1. Assessments are incorporated in synchronous meetings in the form of simple recitation or games (no added pressure given to students)

  1. Recorded lectures are uploaded in the LMS

Challenges for the remote teaching:

  1. Students from non-science programs are not so interested in a science course maybe because they did not find it relevant to their program

Action taken:

Enhanced the course content using visual presentations and used provided more engaging and relevant activities

  1. Technical and difficult-to-grasp topics Action taken: Reviewed fundamental topics

UP Visayas

Main Delivery Platform/s: Created LMS for Physics aside from using Zoom, Canvas, and Facebook/messenger, Google Drive, Gmail

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Adopted a combination of synchronous and asynchronous classes

  1. Provided printed modules to students with no access to internet

  1. Modules, readings, and powerpoint handouts are provided through gmail

  1. Provided links to Youtube videos and online activities

  1. Introduced interactive and creative activities to improve the teaching of Science 10

  1. Modules were simplified:

a. No exams and term papers

b. Assignments per module were reduced

c. No reporting/lessened group activities

Complaints received from Students:

  1. Too many modules

  1. Too many study guides and assignments for each module

Suggestion for Improvement:

  1. Revision of Science 10 syllabus

  1. Allow adjustments for deadlines

  1. Minimize workload both for faculty and students

  1. Consider the mental health of faculty and students

Challenges they faced:

  1. Intermittent internet connection

  1. Power interruption


  1. Can we lessen the course requirements for Science 10

  1. As a first time GE instructor, how can I make highly technical science courses inclusive to a range of student backgrounds?

  1. Paano maaaring palakasin ng STS1 at SCIENCE10 ang isa't isa?

  1. Nababanggit ba ninyo sa pagtuturo ng Science 10 sa panahon ng pandemya ang usaping pangkasarian/gender?

  1. How do you teach and assess skills-based science concepts remotely?

- Update on Module 9 (Origin of Biosphere)

- Review the modules and redesign activities to make them more relevant and less technical

- Suggestions to emphasize more on the scientific process and appreciation

- Using visuals, animations, games

- If possible, incorporate relevant issues in society

- Consider reducing course content, readings, and activities

- Consider alternative ways of assessment for faster feedback

Prepared by Assoc. Prof. Jonnifer Sinogaya