The 4th TX-LA


Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2020

October 31 & November 1, 2020 | ONLINE


The TX-LA Undergraduate Mathematics Conference is a forum for sharing undergraduate research activities in mathematics among the University of Houston (UH), Texas A&M University (TAMU) and Louisiana State University (LSU).

A primary goal of the conference is for students to present and share mathematics, as part of preparation for post-graduate studies or employment in research laboratories or industry.

The conference adopts a unique format where students will present their research work in two modes: (1) an oral presentation and then (2) a scientific poster. This format exposes students to two different presentation experiences: a formal talk in front of a large audience and then a more casual and personalized discussion with their colleagues and professors.

Format of the Presentations

  • Each oral presentation was allotted 15 minutes for the actual talk and five minutes for Q&A. The presentation may be done jointly by multiple members of the research group. The talks' abstracts and the schedule are posted here .

  • The poster session was done in several virtual rooms. Each poster was assigned a virtual room in which the author/s interacted with their peers and professors. The general audience was able to freely move from one virtual room to another during the duration of the poster session. To preview the posters, click here.

This year, the conference was held ONLINE from OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 1, 2020 via Zoom.

View the full conference gallery here.

Conference Events

(Click on the images or links for more details)

From programming in MATLAB to programming MATLAB

Dr. Andrew Thaler

of MathWorks

One of the most challenging questions a mathematics graduate student must ask is, “Should I continue in academia or go into industry?” I asked myself that question. I also asked relatives, my friends, other graduate students, my advisors, etc. If I took a survey of their responses, I probably would have ended up with 50% suggesting academia and 50% suggesting industry. I followed their advice and took an industrial postdoc position where I worked 50% of the time in academia and 50% of the time in industry. Ultimately, I chose to go into industry. I am now a software engineer on the MATLAB indexing team, where I am responsible for ensuring indexing operations are correct, consistent, and fast. In this talk, I will present examples of how scientists and engineers are using MathWorks products to solve challenging real-world problems. I will also tell you the story about how I made the transition from academia to industry, from programming in MATLAB to programming MATLAB.

Registration Procedure

Registration for the conference is now CLOSED.

To register, please send an email to Neil Egarguin at . Non-presenters are also welcome to join the conference. Just send a registration email stating your intent.

In the subject line, write: TX-LA Undergraduate Math Conference: [Your Name] .

In the email body , include the following information:

  • Name and Affiliation

  • Occupation (undergraduate student/ researcher/ professor)

  • If you are presenting your research, include the following information:

    • Research Advisor

    • Title of Presentation

    • Abstract in the following format/syntax. Just change the text in bold italics with the corresponding detail. Also, you can use Latex syntax in writing equations. The abstract can be sent via the registration email body or as an attachment of any of the following file types: doc, docx, tex or txt .

{Alice Smith and Bob J. Kesterly} % Names of presenters

{University of Houston} % Scholastic affiliation

{Daniel Onofrei} % Project advisor

{Determining Brain Death based on complex networks} % Project title and abstract

{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis ut purus quis malesuada. Nunc gravida tristique lacus non ultrices. Vivamus varius velit vitae elit iaculis fringilla. Nullam eget sapien tincidunt, egestas urna sed, bibendum justo. Mauris finibus mi quis purus fringilla convallis. Pellentesque auctor finibus lorem. In nec commodo mauris. Curabitur sed ipsum iaculis nisl hendrerit cursus. Phasellus fermentum nibh nisi, in eleifend augue iaculis vitae.} % Body

    • Poster Presentation in pdf format (if already available)


A receipt confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 hours. Further details (e.g., schedule and abstracts, meeting links and other instructions) will be sent to all registered participants as the conference approaches.

For any inquiries, please send an email to Neil Egarguin at .