Parallelism: Greek Mythology






Prometheus is a titan that stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans in order for them to be independent. This angered Zeus to which he was chained to Mt. Caucusus, and punished by having his healing liver eaten by an eagle or vulture. Its parallelism would be the protestors of Marcos’ regime, those who go against the administration, in order to deliver the freedom for all. Alike Prometheus, the protestors snagged "the gift of fire", parallel to that of hope, in the pursuance of total liberation from the oppressors of the country.

Zeus reeks of authority, capable of ruling weather, law, justice and order upon his dominions. To add, as the King of Gods in Olympus and a powerful being, he shares great resemblance to that of Ferdinand Marcos most especially in Aeschylus' characterization of Zeus, wherein he was painted as a tyrant. Olympus, the abode of the gods, even reflects that of Malacañang, and his cronies as the rest of the powerful beings. The Greek God in the poem also punished Prometheus by means of another figure (eagle/vulture), which is similar to how Martial law captives were dealt with indirectly. captives were dealt with indirectly.




The mention of these characters may have been meant as constellations, although an interpretation may be extracted from a version (“Orion”) of their story (Gastulao 2020). Orion and Artemis are lovers to which the lad had been slain by means of deception by Artemis’ brother, Apollo. Orion in this sense could be interpreted as the genuine lover of the people, painted ill to Artemis, to which she represents the people of the country. Apollo would then be the influential figure spearheading deception. In the context of Martial Law in the Philippines, Apollo could represent the prominent media outlets controlled by the administration or Imelda Marcos. This is so as the masses naturally regard the national outlets as trusted sources, and Imelda on the other hand, paints herself as the mother of the country. Artemis trusts his brother, akin to how the people trust the said figures. Unfortunately, lies are what they feed to the Filipino people that held confidence in them, and taint the name of those who wish nothing but the good and freedom of the people.
