psych 103 final projects

The Psych 103 (LGBT Psychology) final project requirement is a creative learning material/educational output on issues related to LGBTQI psychology in the Philippines. The following final projects have been linked with permission from my students.

On the intersection of religious and SOGIESC identities and the experiences of LGBTQI people in religious settings

Aurellano, V., Genoveza, V., Manalili, B., & Rico, Z. (2024). I, Exist [Video].

On understanding SOGIESC for children ages 5+

Buena, K. N., Chan, M. A. L., de Castro, R. M., & Rayat, J. L. (2024). Ako ay tomboy. Ako ay bakla. [Unpublished children's book].

On rainbow capitalism and being a better consumer and LGBTQI ally

Chua, M., Miyazawa, M., & Tancontian, S. (2024). Guide to LGBTQI allyship [Blog].

On transgender inclusion in sports

Okamoto, M., Pascual, P. A., & Zabala, V. L. (2024). Inclusivity in motion [Zine].

On trans and queer people and their experiences related to the Philippine justice system

Custodio, E., Datuin, D., Gomez, E., & Reyes, R. (2024). Protect your pride: Trans and queer people under the Philippine justice system [Primer].