Safety and Security

Maintain Personal Security

When traveling abroad, it is important to excersise the same common sense you would use back home. Additionally, it is crucial that you remain alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.

Before you leave


While at your destination(s)

Safety and Security

Credit/Debit Card “Skimming:”

If you opt to use credit or debit cards, it is advisable to periodically review your account to detect any unauthorized transactions. Travelers ought to restrict the amount of cash they carry in public, use care when withdrawing funds from ATMs, and refrain from using ATMs located in isolated or dimly lit areas.

Pay attention to what you are drinking

Pay attention to your surroundings and to who might have handled your drink. In some cases, assailants drug the drinks of victims before assaulting them.


If you choose to drink alcohol, it is important to do so in moderation and to stop and seek medical attention if you begin to feel ill. Tell your friends you are not okay and stay always accompanied until you get well.


In major urban centers and tourist destinations, the tourism industry operates under strict regulations, ensuring adherence to best practices and routine safety checks. Areas of potential hazard are clearly marked, and organized activities are supported by professional staff. In the unfortunate event of an injury, adecuate medical treatment options are widely acessible across the country.

In areas outside of major cities, first responders and medical professionals may take longer to reach and stabilize patients in need of life-saving assistance. Additionally, in smaller towns and less frequently visited tourist spots, safety regulations for equipment and facilities in the tourism industry may be unevenly enforced, leading to potential safety hazards.

Hazardous areas and activities sometimes lack proper signage, and staff may not have the necessary training or certification from either the host government or recognized authorities in the respective field. Adequate medical treatment is typically only accessible in or near major cities in case of injury. Urgent medical treatment in areas outside major cities is often unavailable to first responders. 

Since 2016, Mexico has established seven multilingual Centers for the Care and Protection of Tourists (CAPTA) and Tourist Assistance Centers (CATTAC) across Los Cabos, La Paz, Acapulco, Playa del Carmen, Mazatlan, Ciudad Madero, and Queretaro. These centers have effectively aided visitors in resolving issues with vendors and government entities, submitting criminal complaints, accessing necessary services, and finding suitable accommodations for those with unique needs.