Nomination process information

Campuses' Nomination Period


August - December

February 14 - April 12, 2024


January - June

September 04 - October 27, 2024

Nomination Process

Partners are required to complete an online questionnaire in February for Fall semester and in September for Spring semester. Nominated students will receive an email detailing the process to submit their online application on our platform.

In the Spring semester, around mid-November and in the Fall semester, around mid-June, an email will be sent to students with the list of available courses and the registration procedure.


Students must fulfill the prerequisites for the chosen courses and obtain approval from their Home University regarding the course selection and credit count. If required, admission documents necessary for visa application will be shared with  the Home University after receiving all essential documentation.

Requirements to submit the students' nomination:

The nomination must be done by the coordinator to be valid. 

Academic Calendar Fall  2024

click here to get it. 

For additional details regarding housing, visas, and other services for International Students, please refer to the Info For students