We are pleased to inform you that VCCA-2024 has been endorsed by IUPAC.

Deadline to submit abstract: 15 April 2024  1 May 2024
Click here to submit abstract

Best presentations of VCCA-2024

Congratulations to all authors and co-authors.

Welcome to the Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications


The Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications (VCCA-2024) will be held from 12 to 16 August 2024. It is organised by the Computational Chemistry Group in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair of Computational Chemistry of the University of Mauritius

We started with this series of virtual conferences since 2013.

VCCA-2024 will be held online. 

There is no need to be always online and there may be live presentations.

Theme: Transforming Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Research to Innovation

We look forward to welcoming you, academicians and researchers, to participate in this virtual conference. 

Professor Ponnadurai Ramasami

Chairman of VCCA-2024

UNESCO Chair in Computational Chemistry

Personal Chair in Computational Chemistry, University of Mauritius

Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg

Associate Editor, Journal of Molecular Modeling

Benefits of participation

Dissemination of research findings

Opportunity to present research work among peers


Scientific interaction among participants leading to potential collaboration


Training is essential for adapting research to innovation

Sustainable future

VCCA-2024 offers a platform for scientific interaction with minimal cost and low carbon footprint, thus, contributing to a sustainable future

Click here to know how the virtual conference will take place.