The First Scientific Conference

’’Applied Scientific Research is a Supporter of Scientific Advancement in Our New Iraq’’

The first scientific conference was held in 2012/4/29, under the slogan of (Applied Scientific Research is a Supporter of Scientific Advancement in Our New Iraq), and participated in the conference (63) researchers and (29) research and six sessions of research.

Chairman of the scientific committee of the conference

President of the Conference

Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Conference

The First Conference inauguration-Attendance

13 Attendance

1 Attendance

49 Attendance

The First Conference inauguration-Papers

4 Papers

1 Papers

24 Papers

Conference Organizer

College of Education for Pure Sciences

Conference Fees

Registration and Publication: Free Fees

All accepted papers will be proofread and edited before it is published online.

The College of Education for Pure Sciences welcomes distinguished attendees at its The First Scientific Conference