Welcome to my Academic Profile

Bahra Salam Hama Gharib

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is BAHRA SALAM HAM GHARIB] and I am a [lecturer] holding [M.A] degree in [Linguistics] ,teaching in the Education College of Sharazoor ] / Kurdish Language and Kindergarten Department at The University of Halabja , Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


E-mail: bahra.hamagharib@uoh.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7511018384

به هره سلام حمه غريب

مامؤستا له بةشى كوردى ٬ باخچەی مناڵان

ماستةر لة زمانى كوردى - سيمانتيك

ئيمة يل - bahra.hamagharib@uoh.edu.iq

موبايل- 07511018384