
Invited Speakers

PhD. Jurgen Juxi Leitner

Robots for packing in Agriculture & Horticulture

Australian Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (ACRV), Australia

Researcher, Leader of the Manipulation group

PhD. Stanley Best

Advances of 4.0 Agriculture and Agriculture Robotics in Chile

INIA, Chile

Precision Agriculture Director

Researcher at the Agricultural Research Institute and National Leader of the Precision Agriculture Program of INIA. National Manager of PROCISUR-MERCOSUR Platforms for Ecocertification and Precision Agriculture. Member of the Board of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR) in the areas of ICT and Sensing in Agriculture. Member of Club de Bologna (a world task-force on the strategies for the development of agricultural mechanization). Member of the editorial committee of the Journal of Information Technology in Agriculture (JITAg) and Journal Food Engineering and Technology. Judge in Gerdau Prize Best of the Earth in Agrishow - Brazil, for more than two years. He has participated as a member of the Scientific Committee in World Congresses such as the 7th World Congress of Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Reno, USA; Fourth Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture, Hokkaido, Japan as well as in more than 15 others. On the other hand, he has participated as an exhibitor in more than 60 National and International Congresses and Seminars, as well as being invited as Keynote Speaker at different international conferences in America and Europe. In addition, it presents more than 40 scientific publications. Finally, he has participated as a Lead Researcher in more than 25 important national and international projects.


Stanley Best - Agro 4.0


Prof. Rodrigo Verschae

Intelligent and Robotics Systems Laboratory

Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile

Institute of Engineering Sciences