These are my contributions to my Community

My Contribution to Community

Extracurricular Activities

Welcome! This page offers a window into my world beyond the classroom and research lab. My passion for water resources extends into the community, where I actively engage in activities that promote sustainability and contribute to a better future.

Activities and Community Connection

Alignment with University Values

The University of Duhok's commitment to social responsibility resonates deeply with me. My extracurricular activities strive to uphold the university's values by:

Contributing to the University's Strategic Goals

The University of Duhok's strategic plan emphasizes serving society. My activities contribute to this goal by:

Collaboration and Partnerships

Building strong partnerships with local organizations and government agencies is crucial for effective community outreach. I actively collaborate with:

Personal Reflections and Impact in Local Communities

Witnessing the positive impact of my activities on local communities is incredibly rewarding. Here are some reflections on my experiences:

Reflection and Learning: A Lifelong Commitment

My commitment to community engagement is a continuous learning journey. Through reflection and feedback, I strive to:

Contact or Further Engagement

I'm always eager to connect with individuals and organizations who share my passion for serving our community. Feel free to reach out to discuss potential collaborations, community projects, or if you have any questions. Together, let's create a more sustainable future for our society.