1st Virtual Conference on Computational and Experimental Mechanics (VCCEM 2020)

Mencipta Pengetahuan di Tengah Pandemik

VCCEM is a conference to disseminate the latest research in computational and experimental mechanics from the finest researchers in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah). Speakers will discuss new experimental and computational findings in Fatigue Design, Computational Fracture Mechanics, Structural Durability & Reliability and Additive Manufacturing, among others.

Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) is the flagship university of Aceh Province, Indonesia

A Brief History of Collaboration

UKM-Unsyiah (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Universitas Syiah Kuala) collaboration can be traced back to a visit Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Kamal Ariffin paid to Tokyo Institute of Technology in January 2003. Prof Ariffin was greeted by Prof Shigeru Aoki and (late) Dr Ir Muhammad Ridha (then a research scientist from Unsyiah at the Tokyo Institute of Technology). The meeting led to the formation of a committee to organize a focused conference named Computational Mechanics and Numerical Analysis (CMNA). The first CMNA was then held in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, in April 2003. Five series of CMNA were organized from 2003 to 2007.

Later in November 2003, Prof Ariffin invited Dr Ridha to deliver a lecture on Boundary Element Method, Inverse Analysis, and Their Application on Infrastructure Corrosion. The guest lecture was held in UKM at Bangi, Malaysia. Dr Ridha's visit established the first formal collaboration between Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala (now Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) and the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (now Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering). The collaboration saw back-and-forth scholarly visits between Unsyiah and UKM, as well as Master and PhD students exchanges. The collaboration has generated numerous publications since 2004.

Today, amid the Covid 19 pandemic, the 1st VCCEM 2020 is here to reinvigorate the UKM-Unsyiah collaboration at the gate of the new 20's era.

Tentative Program:

1st December 2020 - Day 1 (Malaysia)

· 10-10.30 : Opening

Opening remarks:

Prof. Ir. Dr. Shahrum Abdullah (Head of CEM, UKM)

Prof Samsul Rizal (President of Unsyiah)

Assoc. Prof. Dr Zainuddin Sajuri (Head of JKM, FKAB UKM)

· 10.30-11.00: Keynote 1 (keynote: Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Kamal Ariffin))

· 11.00-11.15: QnA keynote

· 11.15-11.30: Break (perbincangan santai)

· 11.30-1.30: Invited speaker (6 x 15+5 mins each)

2nd December 2020 - Day 2 (Malaysia)

· 10.00-10.30: Keynote 2 (USK) (keynote: Prof. Dr. Ir. Khairil, M.T., Unsyiah)

· 10.30-10.40: QnA keynote

· 10.40-11.00: Break (perbincangan santai)

· 11.00-1.40: Invited speaker (8 x 15+5 mins each)

· 1.40-2.30: Break

· 2.30-4.30: Research discussion

· 4.30-5.00: Closing (Unsyiah - Dr Irwansyah, S.T, M.Eng)

  • Malaysia is 1 hour ahead of Jakarta, Indonesia

Keynote & Invited session:

Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Kamal Ariffin

Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Kamal Ariffin is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UKM. He is the recipient of prestigious European Union Horizon 2020 Grant together with 5 other top universities in Europe for the large structural reliability and uncertainty research.

Prof Dr Ir Khairil, M.T

Prof Dr Ir Khairil, M.T is a professor in combustion engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, as well as a former chair of the department. He has won NEDO international grant, best research and lecturer awards, as well as prestigious Satya Lencana award from the government of Indonesia


Prof. Ir. Dr Shahrum Abdullah

Prof. Dr. Dzuraidah Abd Wahab

Prof Dr Prakash Thamburaja

Dr. Salvinder Singh Karam Singh

Dr. Abdul Hadi Azman

Dr. Muhammad Alias Md. Jedi

En. Azli Arifin


Prof. Dr. Ir. Husaini, M.T

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc

Dr. Ir. Mohd. Iqbal, M.T.

Dr. Zahrul Fuadi, S.T., M.Sc

Dr Irwansyah, S.T, M.Eng

Dr Ir M Dirhamsyah, M.T, IPU

Dr. Syifaul Huzni, ST., M.Sc


Prof. Ir. Dr. Shahrum Abdullah:

Features Extraction from Road Load Fatigue Strain Data using the Time-Frequency Localisation

Prof. Dr. Prakash Tamburaja

Fracture in non-linear viscoelastic solids: Finite-deformation-based theory and finite-element simulations

Prof. Dr. Dzuraidah Abd Wahab

Enhancing End-of-Life Vehicle Remanufacturing from Design and Process Perspectives

Dr. Abdul Hadi Azman:

Mass Reduction of Automotive Components using Additive Manufacturing

Dr. Salvinder Singh Karam Singh:

On The Needs of Assessing Fatigue Reliability under Random Strain Loads for Heavy Vehicle

Dr. Muhamad Alias Md Jedi

Recent Data Analytic Techniques for Failure Analysis in Mechanics Structure

En Azli Arifin:

Evaluating the damage mechanism characteristics for pipeline using magnetic flux detection.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Husaini, M.T:

Numerical and Experimental Analyses to Identify the Failure of a Centrifugal Pump Shaft

Dr. Zahrul Fuadi, S.T., M.Sc:

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Single Abaca Fiber

Dr Ir M Dirhamsyah, M.T, IPU:

Correlation Between Design Feature, Acoustic and Vibration Signals Features during Additive Manufacturing

Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Kamal Ariffin

Prof Dr Ir Khairil, M.T

Prof. Ir. Dr Shahrum Abdullah

Prof. Dr. Dzuraidah Abd Wahab

Prof. Dr. Prakash Thamburaja

Prof. Dr. Ir. Husaini, M.T

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc

Dr. Syifaul Huzni, ST., M.Sc

Dr. Salvinder Singh Karam Singh

Dr. Abdul Hadi Azman

Dr. Ir. Mohd. Iqbal, M.T.

Dr. Zahrul Fuadi, S.T., M.Sc

Dr Irwansyah, S.T, M.Eng

Dr Ir M Dirhamsyah, M.T, IPU

Dr. Muhamad Alias Md. Jedi

En Azli Arifin

Organising Committee Executives

Dr. Abdul Hadi Azman

Dr. Muhamad Alias Md. Jedi

Dr. Ikramullah, S.T


Main organiser: Computational and Experimental Mechanics (CEM), Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (JKMP), Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Co-organiser: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia

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