

February - July 2018

  1. Open Source [ Class A ]
  2. Open Source [ Class B ]
  3. Computer Network 1 [ Class A]
  4. Computer Network 1 [ Class B]
  5. Advanced Web Programming [ Class A ]


February - July 2018

  1. Introduction to Information Technology A [Class A]
  2. Introduction to Information Technology B [Class B]

Agustus 2017 - Januari 2018

  1. Pengantar Teknologi Informasi [Pengantar TI]
  2. Administrasi Jaringan Komputer Kelas A [ Link ]
  3. Administrasi Jaringan Komputer Kelas B [ Link ]
  4. Sistem Operasi [ Link ]

D4 K3

Agustus 2017 - Januari 2018

  1. Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Kelas A [Pengantar TI]
  2. Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Kelas B [Pengantar TI]

February - July 2017

  1. Open Source [ ]
  2. Computer Network 1 [ ]
  3. Computer Organization and Architecture [ ]