Photos from the right case
(And a few of my favorites)
Photograph of a nighttime lightning strike, Tonopah (Nev.), 1904
Photograph album 3, Ferron-Bracken Collection, circa 1905-1935, page 68
Photograph of Jack Tuck and a donkey, 1910s.
Photograph of a Nanny bathing a Bracken infant in a nursery, Las Vegas.
Photograph of a child with dolls giving an infant a kiss, Las Vegas (Nev.), 1900-1925
Photograph of a woman and a young girl with a doll in a papoose board, 1900-1925
Photograph album 2, Charles P. Squires Collection, circa 1910-1920, page 84
Photograph album 2, Charles P. Squires Collection, circa 1910-1920, page 75
Photograph album 3, Ferron-Bracken Collection, circa 1905-1935, page 41
Photograph album 3, Ferron-Bracken Collection, circa 1905-1935, page 13
Las Vegas age. (04-24-1915)
Las Vegas age. (04-24-1915)
Photograph album 3, Ferron-Bracken Collection, circa 1905-1935, page 49
John W. Tuck was born on August 5, 1889, the son of Helen and John. He died on April 19, 1915, in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the age of 25.
Photograph of Tom Lake, Spud Lake, and Jack Tuck with donkeys, 1920s
Letter from C. A. Earle Rinker to his mother, October 15, 1907
Letter from C. A. Earle Rinker to his mother, October 15, 1907
Letter from C. A. Earle Rinker to his mother, October 15, 1907
Photograph of a desk with playing cards and pistols, Goldfield (Nev.), early 1900s
Photograph of three men with pistols and liquor bottles, Goldfield (Nev.), 1900-1920
Photograph of a man reading in bed, Goldfield (Nev.), early 1900s
Photograph of a man getting a shave near the Colorado River, Eldorado Canyon (Nev.), 1907