Deciding Funding Source

Which Award or Grant is best for my proposal?

Award Amount: $2,500. Fund will be deposited into a research account.

Purpose To recognize fully developed projects that focus on mission fulfillment related to the Top Tier 2.0 Strategic Plan. The project may assess program learning outcomes, or other institutional goals that support fulfillment of Top Tier goal metrics

Possible Example A redesign of curriculum focused on improving student retention and graduation rates 

Application Requirements 

Award Amount:  $1,500 - Renewable up to 2 times beyond initial grant award. Funds will be awarded to the academic unit. 

Purpose To support projects or ideas that will assess course, program, or institutional core theme goals, and be specifically geared toward mission fulfillment of some aspect of the Top Tier 2.0 Strategic Plan 

Possible Example Implementation of an intervention designed to address retention issues within a unit 

Application Requirements 


If you have any questions regarding the UNLV Accreditation Award & Mission Fulfillment Grant, or have any problems with the application portal, please contact Laura Gryder via email at, or by phone at 702-895-5928.