Research seminars

Master in Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision - Universidad de Zaragoza

  UPCOMING seminars - 2023 / 24

All seminars will be hosted (in person or through online streaming) at the usual classroom (A07) unless stated differently.

Helping save lives with SLAM
María García Puyol, PhD, Gen AI Field solutions Architect at Google Cloud.
May 8th, 13.00

Bio: Maria obtained her PhD at the Technical University of Munich, on Crowdsourcing Motion Maps for Reliable Indoor Pedestrian Navigation. She currently works at Google Cloud to accelerate the adoption of GenAI solutions! In the past Maria led the efforts to estimate a user's altitude and floor number at the Android Location and Context Team and helping improve Android location quality overall. She was co-founder of the Android Emergency Location Service, which is currently live in over 50 countries, helping locate people in emergency situations. 

Abstract: The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that improved location accuracy, which can reduce emergency response time by one minute, has the potential to save over 10,000 lives annually. Maria will share her career journey utilizing SLAM technology to achieve accurate location for life-saving applications. She will begin by discussing her work at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), where she focused on indoor pedestrian navigation using FootSLAM, a SLAM system based on a foot-mounted IMU designed to tackle challenging localization scenarios like firefighter rescue operations. She will then discuss her work to improve location accuracy for billions of Android devices. Additionally, Maria will talk about her experience co-founding the Android Emergency Location Service, which sends the caller's accurate location to first responders during emergency calls. She will share real-life examples of how this technology has helped save lives.


Inaugural Keynote talk

Generative AI (Deepfakes)
Prof. Hany Farid, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
September 14th, 16:30h - Online, Streamed at A.07

Situational Graphs for Enhanced Intelligence in Mobile Robots
Dr. Hriday Bavle, postdoctoral research associate at the University of Luxembourg.
September 20th, 13:00h - In person, at A.07

The Big Bang of Large-Scale Image Generatos
Dr. Miika Aittala, Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA.
September 27th, 14:15h - In person, Sala de conferencias (1st floor) at Building I+D

From Zaragoza to Florida: Founding a Tech startup in United States
Rocio Frej, Founder and CEO of Improving Aviation LLC
October 25th, 13:00h - Streamed online at A.07
Video call link:

Mechanics, Manipulation, and Perception of Deformable Objects
Tim Bretl, University of llinois Urbana-Champaign
November 23rd (THURSDAY), 15:00h - IN PERSON, SEMINARIO del DIIS

Uncertainty Quantification in 3D Reconstruction and Modelling
Silvia Sellán, University of Toronto
November 24th, 13:00h - Streamed online at A.07

Animating Virtual Humans, from self-avatars to groups of autonomous agents
Prof. Nuria Pelechano, Researcher at VirViG (UPC)
December 1th, 13:00h - In person, at A.07

Training Computer Vision models with less data and annotation work
Dr. Toon Goedemé, Associate professor, KU Leuven. Belgium
January 24th, IN PERSON, 13:00h

Human Sensing
Prof. Fernando de la Torre, Associate Research Professor, Robotics Institute - CMU, USA.
February 12th, 13:00h

The European approach towards trustworthy AI
Dr. Isabelle Hupont, Scientific Officer in European Commission. Joint Research Center, Seville.
February 19th, 13:00h.
Video call link:

Situationally-aware robots for indoor service applications
Dr. Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez, Research Scientist, University of Luxembourg.
February 21st, IN PERSON, 13:00h

Practical challenges in formation control and mobile robot swarms
Dr. Hector Garcia de Marina, Head of the Swarm Systems Lab, Universidad de Granada.
February 26th, IN PERSON, 13:00h

Methods for Natural Walking in Virtual Reality
Niall L. Williams, University of Maryland.
February 28th, IN PERSON at DIIS Seminar, 13:00h

Computational Models of Visual Attention and Gaze Behavior in Virtual Reality  - PhD thesis defense
Dani Martín, Graphics and Imaging Lab, Universidad de Zaragoza.
March 1st, IN PERSON (Salón de Actos Ada Byron), 16:00h

From Concept to Creation: Transforming Ideas into Successful Startups and Spinoffs
Alex Gines Domenech, Chief Growth Officer at Nakima
April 17th, IN PERSON (AULA A07), 13.00

Geolocalization as a service
Dorian Gálvez López. Senior Computer Vision Engineer at NIANTIC, Inc.
April 24th, IN PERSON (AULA A07), @12.00

Democratizing the Access to AI through Egocentric Vision
Antonino Furnari, assistant prof. at University of Catania, Italy.
April 24th, IN PERSON (AULA A07), 13.00

Machine Learning  with Hyperspectral imaging: two real  industrial application projects at ATRIA.

Rosa Castillón,  Industry 4.0 Director at ATRIA
Jorge Ferrer,  materials and sustainability engineer

April 29th, IN PERSON (AULA A07), 13.00