Pablo Gimeno 

Speech scientist at ViVoLab

University of Zaragoza - Aragón Institute for Engineering Research

About me

I was born in Valencia, Spain (1994). I received my Bachelor degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2016 and my MSc in Telecommunication Enginering in 2018, both from the University of Zaragoza. During the last year of my master I could focus my studies on speech and signal processing and machine learning applied to signal processing.

I started collaborating with ViVoLab research group in 2016 with a government grant for initiation in research activities, and I am currently pursuing my PhD thesis in the same research group under the supervision of Dr. Alfonso Ortega supported with a grant from my regional government (DGA). My research interests span the areas of speech processing, audio and speech segmentation, speech activity detection and automatic speech recognition.

I am also collaborating actively in teaching courses related to signal processing for the Bachelor degree in Telecommunication Engineering (Audio & Image Processing, Signal Processing laboratory) and the Master degree in Telecommunication Engineering (Speech Technologies). 


My latest work in Speech Activity Detection was featured in ViVoLab Medium page: check it here. A demo is also available at ViVoLab webpage where you can see and hear some examples.

Check my Google Scholar profile for an updated list of publications

This is a list of my latest publications:







You can also check my Bachelor Thesis and my Master Thesis (only available in spanish):


I also work as a teaching assistant in different courses of the telecommunication engineering Bachelor Degree:


You can contact me at

Other links that you may find interesting

ViVoLab web page:

ViVoLab Medium page:

University of Zaragoza web page: