Natural Resources Department - College of Agricultural Engineering Science - University of Sulaimani
Wanawsha Jamal Abdlrahman
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Wanawsha Jamal Abdlrahman and I am an assistant lecturer holding (MSc) degree in Environmental Remote Sensing, teaching in the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
Evaluation of CO2, CH4, and O3 GHGs From Satellites Against Ground-Based Measurements Over Sulaimani City, KR, Iraq
E-mail: wanawsha.abdlrahman@univsul.edu.iq
Mobile: +964(0)7
I teach several topics at my College, i.e.
Soil and Natural Resource Management
My research interests focus on;
1. Remote Sensing
2. Environment