At Faculty of _Environmental sciences, Department of _Environmental science I teach the Course(s) below:
2. university work Environment-stage-1-
3- profishnal skille-stage-1
My Philosophy in Teaching:Basically, the teaching process is a sacred duty of teachers and academic staff because it educates students to become effective and active individuals in society, which becomes a turning point of change and self-reliance for the future life student both together. Of course, the teacher plays an effective role in teaching, but the new Bologna process tells us that the student is the center of teaching. Of course, the teacher must guide the student to know how to become the center of teaching In the end, student competition will be based on an appropriate student activity, thus creating an effective individual for the family and an intellectual society.
Department of Environmental science (Department) Course -1- and -2-
Stage: -3- and stage -1-
Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDkwMjY3NTQ0ODA0
No. of Students: 7