D.O.B: 30 JAN. 1984

Place of Birth: Koysenjek/ Erbil

Raparin-Qaiwan city

Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan/Iraq



https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tnD3qJIAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2 www.linkedin.com/in/dr-taymaa-kheirbek-1643801b8

Academic Qualifications

PhD, in English Literature from Granada University, Spain (2012-2017). “Orphans in Society: A Comparative Study of Gender Differences in Selected Works of Children’s Literature (1876-1911)”

Master of Art, Master degree in English Literature and Criticism from Baghdad University (2005-2008). “Talking Animals in Classical Children’s Literature”

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor degree in English Literature and Criticism from Al Turath University , Baghdad (2001-2005).


Work Experience


University of Sulaimani


- Lecturer (Full time) Language and Culture center


2022- present



- Head of Bologna Committee -Courses:


English department / College of Languages: Modern Drama- 4th stage (Fall Semester)


-Language Skills/ Architecture department/ College of Engineering (spring 2022-2023)

-Language Skills/ Architecture department/ College of Engineering (Fall- 2022-2023)
Language Skills/ Political Sciences and International Relations Department/ College of Sciences ( Fall- 2022-2023)

------------------------------------------------------------- - Lecturer (adjunct)

American university of Iraq Sulaimaniyah


2023-2024 (Fall semester)

Women’s Writing & Feminist Theory

2019- present

2022-2023 (Spring semester)

English 101-Argument

2022-2023 (Fall semester)

English 102-Critical Reading and writing

2021-2022 (spring semester)

English 102-Critical Reading and Writing

2021-2022 (Fall semester)

English 101- Argument

2019-2020 (spring semester)

English 102-Critical Reading and Writing

2019-2020 (Fall semester)

English 102-Critical Reading and Writing

Charmo University

Sulaimaniyah 2009-2022


Research and Teaching Experience:
Spring Semester
Children’s Literature: 6th sem.
Shakespeare and Other dramatists of his time: 4th sem.

Fall Semester

Children’s Litertaure:6th sem. Women’s Writing: 5th sem. Medieval Literature: 3rd sem. Academic Writing: 3rd sem.

2020-2021 MA Studies

Spring semester

English Department: Women’s Writing: 5th sem. Medieval literature: 3rd sem.

Applied Physics Department: -Academic Writing II: 5th sem.

Fall semester

English Department
-Children’s Literature: 6th sem. -Introduction to English Literature: 2nd sem. Applied Physics Department:
-Academic Writing I: 4th sem.

Previous Academic Years 2019-2020
Bolonga Process:
5th Semester (3rd stage):

- Women’s Writing 3rd Semester (2nd Stage)



Medieval Literature

-I archive English books in the Central Library/ Charmo Univeristy Voluntarily. I trained a number of students to be in my team. We use the Dewey Decimal System. We plan to finish archiving all the books in 2021.

Bolonga Process:
English Department
2nd Semester (1st Stage): Introduction to Literature
3rd semester (2nd stage): Medieval Literature
4th Semester (2nd Stage) : Medieval Literature (Re-run Program)

Classical Program:

3rd Stage: 19th Century Poetry

English Department
Classical Program:
3rd Stage: 19th century Drama 4th Stage : Literary Criticism

Bolonga Process:
English Department:
2nd Semester (1st stage): Introduction to Literature Special Education Department

- 1st Semester (1st Stage): Language Skills (Listening and Speaking)


2nd Stage: 3rd Stage: 4th Stage:


2nd Stage: Elizabethan Drama – Short Story
3rd Stage: 19th century Poetry- 19th Century Drama


1st Stage: Grammar
2nd Stage: Elizabethan Drama – Short Story


1st Stage: Conversation

Publications: Children’s stories:

1- Stories from Sumer: a historical story from Mesopotamia, available on Amazon.uk.

Academic Papers:


Elizabethan Drama- Short Story 19th century Poetry

Literary Criticism- 20th century Poetry


1- ‘Acting Places or Places of Action: Gardens in Grimm Brothers’ Children’s and Household Tales’ Journal of University of Sulaimani/ Part B/ 72 (2023).



(1) 2021.

4- ‘An Eco-feminist Comparison of Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Alice Walker’s The Color Purplein the journal of Surrra Man Raa – 2021.

6- ‘There is no place like home’: A Comparative Study of the Meaning of Home in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Peter and Wendy’ in the Journal of Languages/College of Languages /Baghdad University –(2017).



10- 11-

Activities: -THOUGHT Project:

‘Glorifying War in Iraqi Children’s Short Stories (1980s)’ in the journal of Koya

University- 2021.

A Comparative Analysis of the Conversational Elements in S. T. Coleridge’s

‘Frost at Midnight’ and Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab’s ‘Marha Ghailan’

METATHESIS: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching 5

5- ‘The Use and Symbolism of Animals in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ in the journal of Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching. (2020).


Dr. Suess' Impact on Children's Literature and Child Development

The Role of invitational Education in student-centered Learning

Resistant Readers: Challenges and Solutions .

Teaching a critical thinking course for the 6th and 7th grades in the French School

(Sulaimania- 2023)

-Supervising the performance of four plays in the English Department:

1- 2- 3- 4-

- Interpreter
Qaiwan Mall – Sulaimani
A Spanish- Kurdish interpreter with Pedro Garcia Jorda (CEO Qaiwan Group in Europe).

A Chameleon- American University 2023

The Sure Thing- American University 2023

A Sunny Morning – American University 2022

Everyman – Charmo university 2019

September/ 2020 Sulaimaniyah

2016-2017 Sulaimaniyah

2009-12 Sulaimaniyah

2008-10 Sulaimaniyah


I gave English language courses, teaching The New Headway Book for different levels.


Online courses:


Knowledge of Languages

1- Arabic:

Speaking: Excellent. Listening: Excellent. Writing: Excellent. Reading: Excellent.


2- English:

Speaking: Excellent Listening: Excellent Writing: Excellent Reading: Excellent

3- Spanish:

Speaking: Good. Listening: Excellent. Writing: Good. Reading: Excellent

4- Kurdish:

Speaking: Very good. Listening: Excellent. Writing: Average. Reading: Excellent.

5- French:

Speaking: Average. Listening: Good. Writing: Good. Reading: Excellent.

Name: Taymaa Hussein Kheirbek

Degree: Phd's degree 

Title: Lecturer 

Department: Language and Culture Center

E-mail: taymaa.ali@univsul.edu.iq