Academic Profile

Full Name Karokh Ali Khdir

Qualification: Master

Position: assistant lecturer

Profession : Microbiology

Address: Dept. of Biology, College of Education, University of Sulaimani

Email Address:

Mobile: +964(0)7510144843

Outline Biography

I am a lecturer assistant and researcher in the field of Microbiology, at the Biology dept, College of Education. First, I was worked as a biology assistant during the years 2013-2017. Then, I started my MSc study in 2017 and finished it in 2021. After completion of a six-month pedagogy course, I got a scientific appointment. Finally, I was assigned as a lecturer assistant in 2021. besides my academic teaching, I am working on several research topics related to my profession,

Research Interests

My research interest includes the following fields;

1. Microbial biotechnology.

2. Microbial bioremediation.

3. Natural compounds drug discovery.