Goran Hidayat Kareem

Mathematics Department - College of Education - University of Sulaimani

Goran Hidayat Kareem

Welcome to my Academic Profile site. My name is  Goran Hidayat Kareem. Assistant Lecture in the Department of Mathematics, college of Education at University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.   

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Research Gate:




Publications: 3 papers

E-mail: Goran.Kareem@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7703589787

University Address: 

The University of Sulaimany

Old University Campus

College of Education 


I teach several topics at my College, such as:

2.Discrete Mathematics

3. University work environment and Professional Skills

My research interests focus on;

1. Optimization Theory 

2. Ranking Fuzzy Numbers

3. Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem