Past, present and future perspectives of European and national language policies


Third International Conference of the EU-funded project Jean Monnet Module “Foreign Language Teaching in and for European Contexts/FoLATE


22 September 2023, Vlora, Albania


Past, present and future perspectives of European and national language policies


Third International Conference of the EU-funded project Jean Monnet Module “Foreign Language Teaching in and for European Contexts”


22 September 2023, Vlora, Albania


Deadline for abstract submissions: 20 August 2023

Full paper submission: 5 September 2023

Organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” 

The third conference entitled ‘Past, present and future perspectives of European and national language policies’ is intended as a summing up activity that will engage scholars in discussions that have been the primary object of the modules developed during the Jean Monnet project.



Past, present and future perspectives of European and national language policies

International conference


The aim of this conference will be to gather together scholars, teacher educators, policy-makers, pre-service and in-service teachers from Albania and the WB region primarily but also worldwide to discuss the path of European and national language policies by reviewing them in the prospect of new developments and future contexts in Europe.


Some of the proposed topics for this conference include:

•       Language policies and cultural identities

•       CLIL research in Europe: Past, present, and future

•       Migration, minorities and language education

•       Emerging trends in policies and practices for multilingualism in Europe

•       Past, present and future of ‘unity in diversity’ European idea

•       Reviewing the European citizen’s linguistic profile

•       The position of ‘migrant,’ ‘immigrant,’ ‘community’ languages

•       Multilingual communication modes and channels

•       Foreign language teaching in Higher Education

•       Age factor and language learning in Europe


Papers are welcomed from but are not limited to:

•       Language Teaching

•       Cultural Studies

•       Intercultural Communication

•       Intercultural Education

•       Communication Studies

•       Media Studies

•       Discourse Analysis

•       Pragmatics

•       Linguistics

•       Semiotics

•       Applied Linguistics


Please send your abstracts (about 250 words) for papers (20 min) as an MS word attachment to the following email address ( by 20 August 2023. Abstracts should include:

title of paper

name and affiliation

e-mail address


3-5 keywords

The conference languages are English and Italian. A selection of papers will be published after the conference.