
Rise & Shine: Before 9 AM

-Wake up, make your bed, get dressed, put P.J.s in laundry

-Greet your family, get breakfast & go over schedule and expectations for the day. Write a morning message for your family.

Reading 9:00-9:45

-Curl up with a blanket & read quietly anything you have at home

-Read about a Hippopotamus

-Login to RAZ-Kids and complete your assignments! If you finish you may go to the reading room and read another story.


Tech or choice time 9:45-10:00

-Play this game on San Diego Zoo Kids or choose your own! What is the same about an elephant and a hippopotamus? What is different?

-Log in to eSpark and choose reading or math!

Spelling 10:00-10:15

-Complete TWO "dots" or activities on Lalilo (about 10-15 minutes)

Listening time 10:15-10:30

-Listen to Miss Fields' friend who is a 3rd grade teacher in Kansas City read a story about Fiona , the baby hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo

-Watch this video about Fiona!

-And this video!

-And this video!

Snack & play 10:30-11:00

-Have a healthy snack & go outside, make up a dance, do some exercises

-Play GoNoodle games or do your favorite GoNoodle dance!

Writing 11:00-11:30

-Choose a topic to write about & plan out your writing!

-Optional Prompt: Throw it out Thursday! If you had to throw away ALL OF YOUR TOYS EXCEPT FOR ONE, what would that one toy you kept be and why?

Lunch & Play 11:30-12:30

-Lunch: Help your family prepare lunch

-Recess: Go outside & make up a new game

-Specials: Today we have Character Ed! Check out Mr. White's Website for your choice board.

Creative Time 12:30-1:30

Math Fluency 1:30-1:45

-Write as many number bonds as you can for the number 19! Send me a picture!

CHALLENGE: How many triangles do you see? Ask other people in your family to do the challenge too! Send me your guess. ***Look for the picture under Clean Up!

Math 1:45-2:30

-Zearn complete the next TWO lessons!

*You should be on Grade 2 Mission 1 by the end of the week. Make sure to catch up! If you are already there, great job!!! And keep working hard!

Clean up 2:30-3:00

-Put all your learning materials away for the day, do chores & help clean up.