Building New Resources for Historical Linguistics

Online event 3 November 2020

2 p.m. - 6 p.m. GMT+1

Meeting ID 885 8116 3060

Passcode 403586


14 Introduction

14.15-14.30 Dag Haug (University of Oslo) and Hanne Eckhoff (University of Oxford): The PROIEL Treebank family

14.30-14.45 Maria Molina (Russian Academy of Sciences): The Hittite Treebank: challenges of tokenization.

14.45-15 Oliver Hellwig (University of Zurich): The Vedic Treebank

15-15.15 Erica Biagetti (University of Pavia): The Treebank of Vedic Sanskrit: Methodology and challenges in the annotation of the Rigveda

15.15-15.30 Peter Scharf (University of Hyderabad): Insights from Pāṇinian grammar and theory of verbal cognition

15.30-15.55 Discussion

15.55 16.15 Break

16.15-16.30 Marco Passarotti (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milano): LiLa: Linking Latin - Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin

16.30-16.45 Gerd Carling (Lund University): Coding gender in lexical databases. Indo-European basic vocabulary in the Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics (DiACL) resource

16.45-17 William Short (University of Exeter): The construction of WordNets and semantically annotated corpora for classical languages

17-17.15 Chiara Zanchi (University of Pavia): HoDeL: a Dependency Lexicon for Homeric Greek

17.15-17.30 Sonia Cristofaro (University of Pavia) and Guglielmo Inglese (KU Leuven): DEmA: the Pavia Diachronic Emergence of Alignment database

17.30-18 Discussion and conclusion