List of Publications

Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals and Proceedings

    1. Kavkaeva, O.N., Goosen, E.V. and Nikitenko, S.M., 2021, July. Corporate rent and its role in replication of regional resource dependence. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 823, No. 1, p. 012055). IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/823/1/012055

    2. Goosen, E.V., Matveeva, E.V., Kagan, E.S., Nikitenko, S.M. and Kavkaeva, O.N., 2021, July. The resource regions resilience in the conditions of Industry 4.0. and the COVID-19 pandemic: theoretical and applied aspects. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 823, No. 1, p. 012059). IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/823/1/012059

    3. Matveeva, E.V., Goosen, E.V., Nikitenko, S.M. and Kavkaeva, O.N., 2021, July. Short-and long-term factors of Kuzbass resilience (based on expert interviews). In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 823, No. 1, p. 012060). IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/823/1/012060

    4. Kavkaeva O., Filimonova I., Goosen E., Pakhomova E., Nikitenko S., 2020, Influence of the world innovation project “Industry 4.0” on the development of the Russian energy sector, SWS Journal of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2 (1)

    5. Kavkaeva O.N., Pakhomova EO, Goosen EV, Nikitenko SM and Chakhoyan GA, 2019, Role of large mineral mining companies in resource regions: Finding tools of balanced interaction / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 262 (2019) 012025

    6. Goosen E., Kavkaeva O.N., Nikitenko S., Kagan, E. 2019, Resource-based regions of Russia: prospects for the formation of resilience based on green technologies, XIX International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference, 9-11 December, Vienna, Austria, 19 (4.2) 135-143

    7. Kavkaeva O.N., Filimonova I., Goosen E., Pakhomova, E., Nikitenko S., 2019, World innovation project “Industry 4.0” and prospects for the development of the Russian energy complex, XIX International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference, 9-11 December, Vienna, Austria 19 (1.4) 87-93

    8. Goosen E.V., Nikitenko S.M., Filimonova I.V., Pakhomova E.O., Kavkaeva O.N., 2019, New supply chains in the world fuel: perspectives of Russian resource regions, Innovation, 9 (251) 67-78. (in Russian)

    9. E V Goosen, O N Kavkaeva, E O Pakhomova and A P Protsenko, 2018, Search for "transforming innovations" for Russian regions and barriers to their implementation / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 206 (2018) 012055

    10. Medyantseva S.G., Kavkaeva N.V., Kavkaeva O.N., 2018, Projects of state-private partnership in the social sphere of the Russian Federation, Journal of Economic Regulation, 9 (4) 82-95 (in Russian)

Working papers and other publications

    1. Pakhomova E.O., Kavkaeva O.N., Goosen E.V., 2019, Will resource regions control the innovation management task, Collection of proceedings of the XIII All-Russian meeting on governance issues of VSPU-2019. Institute of Management Problems V.A. Trapeznikov RAS. pp. 1966-1971 (in Russian)

    2. Kavkaeva О.N. Zakamskaya L.L. 2019, The need to use new forms of museum work, Collection of materials of the XI All-Russian scientific-practical conference of young scientists with International participation ''Young Russia'', Kemerovo, Russia (in Russian)

    3. Zakamskaya, L.L. Kavkaeva, O.N. 2019, Belovsky district, as a priority direction for the development of rural tourism in the Kuzbass, The main directions of the development of the tourism industry in the context of globalization of the world economy ”International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan pp. 252-259 (in Russian)

    4. Goosen E.V., Nikitenko S.M., Kolevatova A.V., Kavkaeva O.N. Patent activity of large Russian extracting companies together to basing regions Certificate of Registration of the database RU 2019621281, 07/15/2019. Application No. 2019621124 dated 06/25/2019 (in Russian)

    5. Goosen E.V., Kavkaeva O.N., Pakhomova E.O., 2018, Analysis of the influence of large exterritorial mining companies on the economy of development of regions of resource type, In the collection: Digital economy of industry and services: state and development trends Proceedings of the XVI scientific-practical conference with International participation. pp. 135-149, Moscow, Russia (in Russian)

    6. Kavkaeva O.N., Zakamskaya L.L., 2018, Problems of competitiveness of tour operators in the tourist market of Russia, Competition and monopoly the collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren, undergraduates, graduate students, research and teaching staff and specialists in the field of antitrust regulation. Kemerovo, Russia pp. 82-86 (in Russian)

    7. Kavkaeva ON State-private partnership as a special form of the public sector, 2017, Institutional transformation of the economy: space and time. Collection of reports of the V International Scientific Conference: in 2 volumes. Kemerovo, Russia pp. 217-222 (in Russian)

    8. Kavkaeva ON Institutional design in the field of higher education and science in Russia, 2016, Management in the conditions of global global transformations: economics, politics, law. Collection of scientific papers. pp. 113-116 (in Russian)

    9. Kavkaeva ON, Nikitenko SM, Goosen EV, 2016, Use of institutional design for the development of state-private partnership, Russian regions in the focus of changes. Collection of reports of the XI International Conference. In 2 volumes. Yekaterinburg, Russia pp. 19-26. (in Russian)

    10. Kavkaeva O.N, Zakamskaya L.L. Metropolis as a center for human resource development, 2016 human resources: problems of innovative development and use: collection of scientific papers. - Issue 5. Executive Editor E.A. Morozov. Kemerovo State University. Kemerovo. pp.74-80 (in Russian)

    11. Medyantseva S.G., Kavkaeva N.V., Kavkaeva O.N., 2015, Institutional aspects of preparation of personnel for service and tourism, Institutional transformation of the economy: the Russian vector of new industrialization. Materials of the IV International Scientific Conference in 2 parts. pp. 173-179 (in Russian)

    12. Kavkaeva ON, 2014, Institutional Design as an instrument for solving problems of old industrial cities, Socio-economic problems of the development of old industrial regions collection of materials of the international economic forum. Kemerovo, Russia p. 70 (in Russian)

    13. Kavkaeva O.N., 2013, Ecological tourism as a method for solving ecological problems, In the collection: Materials of the International Ecological Forum "Natural Resources of Siberia and the Far East - A Look into the Future" In 2 volumes. Kemerovo, Russia pp. 247-250 (in Russian)