Grants and awards

Research grants

Research grant for conducting research on "Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Project management,  quality assurance, and performance measurement" (assegno di tipo b)

University of Pavia

A.y. 2023-2024

European Projects

Member of the UNIPV unit of the project INNOSOCIAL / Mainstreaming Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

Erasmus+ Programme 

Programme duration: 2022-2025

The overall objective of the project is to facilitate mainstreaming of Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship education and training in universities' curricula, thus promoting wider integration of the social dimension in the knowledge triangle practices implemented by higher education institutions.

Member of the UNIPV unit of the project PEN-QM /  Sustainable quality management - to foster future-proof job skills of HEI learners

Erasmus+ Programme 

Programme duration: 2022-2024

Winner of two calls for applications from the University of Pavia - May 2022 (€ 3,000) and November 2022 (€1,500)

Researcher for the project SumHEIs / Summer School Development Programme for European HEIs 

Erasmus+ Programme

Programme duration: 2019-2022

The project aims to increase the number and the quality of Summer Schools offered by European HEIs, to train staff on how to design, develop, operate and manage Summer School programmes, to form material and guidance mechanism for HEIs that aim at establishing such programmes for the first time and form synergies and common Summer School programmes among HEIs.

Member of the UNIPV unit of the project HEIPNET / Inclusion of Innovative work-based-learning and business partnerships in HEI curricula development Erasmus+ Programme 

The project HEIPNET aim is to integrate and combine academic knowledge with practical experience in HEI  curricula so that students are enabled to develop attributes and employability skills. The Practice Enterprise (PE) concept will be supported, promoted and scaled to curricula of HEIs in the EU and strong strategic links between Practice Enterprises and businesses will be built using work-based learning methodology.

Full PhD Scolarship

University of Pavia, University of Bergamo


Selected for the Mentees Program 


2020 edition