Forthcoming Events (chronological order)

Organizer of the Minisymposium: “Novel Kinetic Approaches in Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification”.

Co-organizer: Giacomo Borghi (RWTH Aachen University).

Minisymposium: “Analysis and Numerical Computations for Kinetic Models”.

Talks (reverse chronological order)

Title of the talk: Particle stochastic-Galerkin methods for the Landau equation with random inputs”.

Title of the talk: “Stochastic Galerkin Particle Methods for Kinetic Equations of Plasmas with Uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty quantification and data-oriented approaches in collisional kinetic models”.

Title of the talk: “Kinetic models in mathematical epidemiology: optimal control in the presence of behavioural uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty quantification and data-oriented approaches in collisional kinetic models”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty quantification and data-oriented approaches in collisional kinetic models”.

Title of the talk: “Particle stochastic Galerkin methods for uncertainty quantification of plasma equation”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty quantification and control of kinetic models of tumour growth with uncertain feature”.

Title of the talk: “Kinetic models in mathematical epidemiology: Optimal control in the presence of behavioural uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations with uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Ludwig Boltzmann vs John the Ripper”. With Jonathan Franceschi (UniPv).

Title of the talk: “Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations with uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations of plasmas with uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Monte Carlo stochastic Galerkin methods for non-Maxwellian kinetic models of multiagent systems with uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty quantification and control of kinetic models of tumour growth under clinical uncertainties”.

Title of the talk: “Uncertainty Quantification of Kinetic Models of Multiagent Systems”.

Title of the talk: “A novel numerical approach to uncertainty quantification in multiagent systems”.

Title of the talk: “Numerical methods for uncertainty quantification in kinetic models”.

Posters (reverse chronological order)

Title of the poster: “Monte Carlo stochastic Galerkin methods for non-Maxwellian kinetic models of multiagent systems with uncertainties”.

Title of the poster: “Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic plasma models with uncertainties”.

Organization Activity (reverse chronological order)

Co-organizers: Elena Ballante, Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh, Alen Kushova.

Site of the event:

Scientific Committee: Prof. Andrea Tosin (PoliTo), Prof. Mattia Zanella (UniPv).

Organizing Committee: Jonathan Franceschi (UniPv), Andrea Medaglia (UniPv), Elisa Paparelli (PoliTo).

Site of the event:

Site of the event: