Articles in Refereed Journals 

Asmita, PK., Genie, MG., Gebremariam, AG., Lai, TC., Poudel, N., Ngorsuraches, S. (2023). Vaccination and non-pharmaceutial interventions during COVID-19: Impact on health and non-health outcomes in the US. Health Policy and Technology 

Genie, MG., Ryan, M., Krucien, N. (2023). Keeping an eye on cost: What can eye tracking tell us about attention to cost information in discrete choice experiments? Health Economics.

Genie, MG., Ryan, M., Krucien, N. (2021). To pay or not to pay? Cost information processing in the valuation of publicly funded healthcare. Social Science & Medicine. 

Genie, MG., Krucien, N., Ryan, M. (2021). Weighting or aggregating? Investigating information processing in multi-attribute choices. Health Economics.

Genie, MG., Nicolò, A. & Pasini, G. (2020). The role of heterogeneity of patients' preferences in kidney transplantation. Journal of Health Economics.

Genie, MG., Loría-Rebolledo, LE., Paranjothy, S., Powell, D., Ryan, M., Sakowsky, R., Watson, V. (2020). Understanding public preferences and trade-offs for government responses during a pandemic: a protocol for a discrete choice experiment in the UK. BMJ Open

Connor, MJ., Genie, MG., Burns, D., Ahmed, HU., Watson, V., et al. (2022). A systematic review of patients' values, preferences, and expectations for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. European Urology Open Science.  

Connor, M.J., Genie, MG., Watson, V., Ahmed, H.U., et al. (2021). Metastatic prostate cancer patients' Attitudes towards Treatment of the local Tumour and metastasis Evaluative Research (IP5-MATTER): A multicentre, discrete choice experiment study. BMJ Open.

Berardi, C., Antonini, M., Genie, MG., Cotugno, G., Lanteri, A., Melia, A., & Paolucci, F. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: policy and technology impact on health and non-health outcomes. Health Policy and Technology.

Majeed, MT., Yu, Z., Maqbool, A., Genie, MG., Ullah, S., Ahmad, W. (2021). The trade-off between economic growth and environmental quality: does economic freedom asymmetric matter for Pakistan? Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Chien, F., Hsu, C., Andlib, Z., Shah, MI., Ajaz, T., Genie, MG., (2021). The role of solar energy and eco-innovation in reducing environmental degradation in China: Evidence from QARDL approach. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

Li H., Sun Y., Andlib Z., Genie, MG. (2021). How do renewable energy and urbanisation cause carbon emissions? Evidence from advanced panel estimation techniques. Renewable Energy.

Loría-Rebolledo, LE., Ryan, M., Watson, V., Genie, MG., Sakowsky, R., Powell, D., Paranjothy, S. (2022). Public acceptability of non-pharmaceutical interventions to control a pandemic in the United Kingdom: a discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open.  

Connor, M.J., Genie, MG., M., Watson, V., Ahmed, H.U., et al. (2021). Metastatic prostate cancer patients' Attitudes towards Treatment of the local Tumour and metastasis Evaluative Research (IP5-MATTER): A multicentre, discrete choice experiment trial-in-progress. European Urology 

  Working Papers: 

Raluca, EB., Genie, MG., Cristina, EO., Pasini, G. (2022). Immigration and the utilisation of preventive care in Europe: Results from SHARE Job Episodes Panel. University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics Working Paper Series No, 04 

Brugiavini, Agar; Orso E, Cristina; Genie, Mesfin G.; Naci, Rinaldo; Pasini, Giacomo (2019) "Combining the Retrospective Interviews of Wave 3 and Wave 7: The Third Release of the SHARE Job Episodes Panel", vol. 36, pp. 1-18. SHARE Working paper series


Choice consistency in discrete choice experiments: Does numeracy skill matter? (Revise & resubmit, Value in Health). 

Hesitancy or inequity? The political economy of COVID-19 vaccination in Africa (with Aregawi, Mulusew, Dereje, Halefom, & Thomas) (Under Review).

Immigration and the utilisation of preventive care in Europe: Results from SHARE Job Episodes Panel (with Cristina Orso, Buia E Raluca, & Giacomo Pasini) (Submitted).

A question of morality? Preferences for liberties, lives and livelihoods during a pandemic (with Ruben Sakowsky, Luis Rebolledo, Mandy Ryan, Verity Watson, Shantini Paranjothy, & Daniel Powell)

Keeping an eye on order: investigating why attribute ordering effects exist in multi-attribute choices (with Mandy Ryan, Nicolas Krucien, and Frouke Hermens)

Are discrete choice experiment results robust to number of included attributes? Evidence from a vaccine study (with Verity Watson, Michael Schwarzinger, & Stephane Luchini).

Referee for: Journal of Health Economics (2x), Health Economics (5x), Journal of Choice Modelling (4x), Health Policy and Technology (3x), BMJ Open (3x), Value in Health (4x), Social Science & Medicine, Theory and Decision 

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