published as abstract

  • Kannan. N and Prabhaharan M, (2009). Growth response of tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) for the enriched organic fertilizer from Municipal solid waste,Jaffna. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Forest and Environment (2009). Faculty of applied science University of Srijayadenapura,Nugaegoda,Srilanka.
  • Kannan. N and Prabhaharan, M ,(2009). Fabrication and evaluation of centrally aerated Compost Digester for home level composting. Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session-2009. Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, pp 40.
  • Kannan, N., Prabhaharan, M., Sureskumar, R and M. Thushyanthy, (2009). Use of Municipal Solid Waste for Organic Agriculture in Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of the Second National Symposium 2009. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. Pp.-52.
  • Banumathy.T., Thaneswaran. N. and Prabhaharan.M, (2009).Design, fabrication and evaluation of Low cost Dryer. Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session-2009. Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. pp 16.
  • Sangeetha.T, Thayananthan. K, Prabhaharan. M and Basnayake.B.F.A, (2009). Feasibility of landfill Bioreactor lysimeter for managing Municipal Solid waste (MSW) In Jaffna Peninsula of Srilanka. Proceedings of the 16th Annual sessions of the Jaffna Science Association held on 2009, 16 (1): 29.
  • Sivakumar.P, Alvapillai. P and M.Prabhaharan, (2010). Effective disposal of liquid waste from a distillery unit located at Thiccam, Jaffna, SriLanka. . International conference of Agricultural sciences, Sabragamuwa University of SriLanka.
  • Pireetha,l., Thushayanthy, M., Alvappillai.P. and M.Prabhaharan, (2012) Design of an efficient, low cost filter using locally available materials for the use of organic extract in drip irrigation. Proceedings of the 16th Annual sessions of the Jaffna Science Association held on April,4th 19 (01): 25.
  • Keerthiga.T, Alvappillai.P, Prabhaharan.M, and N. Kannan, (2014). Suitability of double layer evaporative cool cahamber for preservation of selected vegetables in Jaffna Peninsula. International conference of Agricultural sciences, Sabragamuwa University of SriLanka.
  • Kajenthini.K, Prabhaharan.M, Alvappillai.P and N. Kannan, (2014). Effect of hot water soaking on effluent characteristics of paddy parboiling process. International conference of Agricultural sciences, Sabragamuwa University of SriLanka.
  • Darsana.P, Prabhaharan, M. and S. Balakumar, (2015). Effect of parboiling methods on milling yield and soaking time of two Srilankan rice varities. International conference of dry zone agriculture, faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna.