Alumni Association has a bigger dream to connect you with the bigger world, including experts and interested groups in the educational institutions, industry, government officials, and other academic organizations etc. we can work together; exchange ideas, and knowledge for the future of our programs and the good of the society.


Facilitating engagement among fellow graduates, current students, and the University by proving ongoing opportunities for involvement. Promoting alumni achievement, concerns, and aspirations.Building a culture of philanthropy to support current and future generations of FGS students and alumni, to deliver a high standard of education with bench mark of other Graduate Faculties and therefore our students are expected to adhere to an equally high standard of learning.The Alumni Association will be a dynamic, member focused organization, driven by values and directed towards supporting the social, intellectual and spiritual needs of all present and future alumni of the FGS, University of Jaffna. This official Alumni Association has created a platform for students who have obtained postgraduates degrees offered by the Faculty.All graduates of the Faculty of Graduate Studies will automatically become the member of the association. Various events would be held including discussion, visits, seminars, social events etc.Every one of you are welcome to join and support. We will apprise you with the events by email and other social media.We are happy to invite all alumina of the Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna to build up a network which is mutually beneficial.


A fully dedicated Members of Alumni committee is available to assist Post graduates.In person or over the phone conversations to discuss topics such as planning for follower ship, research proposals,grant advice, consultation service, job search strategies, and networking.reciprocal relationships with peer Graduate faculties of other Universities, post graduate services, offices and resources. conduct joint activities for the enhancement in the field of research and development. Launching a knowledge center for sharing and enriching knowledge among the members. Promoting welfare activities to support the Graduates. Academic and nonacademic staff of the FGS. 


Join as a Member

The members who have successfully completed their Degrees and Diplomas at the Faculty of Graduate studies. University of Jaffna can join AAFGS. This Association focuses on improving our members' welfare and social needs. thereby members of this society will have opportunities to raise voices of their services and contributions regarding the modernization of every field of knowledge, attitudes, skills and values. it is a liaison point for our post graduates, ensuring that their ties with the University continue long even they embark onto new horizons. The center also derves to keep friends and alumni in contact long after.

Our goal as the Alumni Association is to continue the success we have achieved for years more

calling for EOI for Saturday invited talk