Place Based Sustainability,
Ethics and Spirituality

Call for a New Economy Serving Life

Annual European SPES Conference

May, 19-21, 2022, Urbino, Italy

The University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” organizes the 2022 Annual European SPES Conference together with the European SPES Institute in Leuven, Belgium.
May, 19
-21, 2022
Urbino, Italy

Registration Fees

180 Euros for regular participants
150 Euros for European SPES members
100 Euros for students and accompanying persons

The fee will be increased by 50 Euros in case of registration after the 15th of April 2022

Every registration fee includes admission to the conference, coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner

50 Euros online early registration (within 15 April)
80 Euros online late registration

Fill in the registration form and proceed with the payment by banker transfer to the following account:

IBAN: IT72Y0760113300001015210485
Post Office address: Via Bramante, 61029 Urbino (PU), Italy
Account holder: Beatrice Giannotti
Account holder address: Via Giro dei Debitori 24, 61029 Urbino (PU), Italy
Reason of payment: <Last Name>, <First Name>, SPES 2022

Registration is completed only after the receipt of payment has been sent to:

For further details or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Organization Office at: