XX International School on

Foundations of Security Analysis and Design


24-28 August 2020

30 August - 3 September 2021

20 years of history

the rock awakes with musicv01.mp4


  • 30 August 2021: FOSAD is back with 32 participants in presence (maximum capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions), 12 online

  • June 2021: application form is online, program confirmed

  • Update May 2021: we plan to organize a physical event, in a hybrid form to favor those participants subject to travel restrictions

  • COVID-19 travellers information

  • COVID-19: due to the situation, we decided to postpone the 20th edition by also avoiding to move to the online format, which is not in the spirit of the Summerschool and its venue. The 20th edition will be held in 2021, in the week 30 August - 3 September.

  • See last Fricò Royal in Bertinoro, waiting for the next one

FOSAD is supported by: