Alessandro Aldini
PhD Computer Science
Contact info:
email: alessandro.aldini [at]
skype: a.aldini
tel: +39 0722 304417
24th Summer School FOSAD: 25-30 August 2025
21-23 May 2025: IFIP SEC 2025
3-8 February 2025: ITASEC25
Join the Italian Chapter of the EATCS
IFIP WG 11.14 Secure Engineering
Full list of events
Research in a SMS
Design and verification of concurrent and distributed computer, network, and software systems and architectures
Research topics
concurrency theory and (nondeterministic, probabilistic, and Markovian) process algebra
exact and approximate behavioral equivalences and equivalence checking
(exact and approximate) noninterference approach to information flow analysis
modal logics and model checking
reward- and logic- based specification languages
usability issues of process algebra
analysis of security, dependability, and performability
reputation models
interpretation of Church-Turing thesis
Active projects
UNIURB research unit leader of the PRIN project AsCoT-SCE: Assessing Compliance of IoT API for Security Critical Environments
PRIN project NiRvAna: Noninterference and Reversibility Analysis in Private Blockchains
PRIN project DeKLA: Developing Kleene Logics and their Applications
Postdocs, PhD students and scholars
Giuseppe Marco Bianco
Ludovico Fusco
Matteo Marco Montanari
Previous people: Stefano Calboli, Annamaria Amura, Luca Sanchioni, Tommaso Petrelli
Books and theses
Security and Performance Analyses in Distributed Systems (PhD thesis)
Invited lectures
talk at TU Wien, Institute of Logic & Computation (03/2023)
webinar On the Modeling and Verification of Collective and Cooperative Systems (11/2021, for the Formal Methods and Tools Group of the University of Twente - 12/2021 for the Logic, Uncertainty, Computation and Information Group of the University of Milano)
keynote speech at ETAA2019: Logics to reason formally about trust computation and manipulation
seminars Dottorato in Scienze di Base e Applicazioni:
Software modeling and verification (02/2015)
talk at Dagstuhl Seminar 12481 on Quantitative Security Analysis (11/2012): Trading Security with Quality of Experience
seminars Dottorato in Scienze della Complessità (06/2012 + 12/2012): Formal languages, grammars, and automata
talk at DiSBeF (10/2011): Perfect equivalences in an imperfect world
talk at FOSAD 2011 and at Verona Univ. (09/2011): Tradeoff between performance and security
talk at Verona Univ. (12/2007): Information flow analysis and approximate security
talk at Bologna Univ. (03/2006): Non-interference and the most powerful adversary
talk at FOSAD 2002: Non-interference properties for probabilistic processes
My Erdös number is 3 (through Franck van Breugel and Michael Makkai)
It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
A.C.D. (1886)