Electives at Bayes Business School
Bayes is one of the top UK business schools with programmes ranging from undergraduates to masters, MBA, PhD and executive.
Bayes Business School has been at the leading edge of business education for over 50 years.
The unique location gives strong links to both the City of London and the entrepreneurial hub of Tech City.
Topics: relevant to all MEF tracks
No enrollement fees at Bayes Business School
An elective course lasts 18 hours and runs over a period of approximately 6 weeks (3hrs per week)
Period: Mid May-End June
Elearning system: Moodle
Exam Period: Mid July
Electives can be recognized as crediti curriculari with a conversion 18 hours = 3 CFU
Free Mover Funding
It helps in covering documented accomodation expenses and the flights
Preliminary evaluation on the basis of the cv and knowledge of the English language
Conditions: to pass with success (50+) at least two elective courses
The exact amount of the funding has still to be defined, but it should be around 1,200 Euros
Below the Bayes presentation, the list of Bayes electives (depending on the number of preferences, not all of them will be run) and the UPO presentation
For additional information: manfin@uniupo.it