Summer School Virtual Learning Pictures

Riley's Dixie Cup Creation

Jubilee's Model Magic Creation

Jubilee Making smoothies

Marshall building with cups.

Peyton's Spoon Family

Peyton's Spoon Family Writing

Peyton's cup project

Landyn's Cup Project

Landyn's Ukulele

Landyn's Ukulele Writing

Luke's Cup Prioject

Luke's Cup Drawing

Luke and his cup projects

Building with family

Luke's project

Marshall's cup creation

John David's cup creation

Lucy and Gussie building a horse corral.

Gussie's paper cup monster

Gussie's paper cup monster writing.

Gussie playing Lucy's math game with her.

Peyton's colorful butterfly

Levi's cup flower

Levi's Cup flower with his name on the petals

John David's cup project

Paislee's Cup Project

Playing with cups!

Paislee's Alphabet

Gussie's Pinwheel

Luke's Creation

Luke's People creations

Xander's Cup Writing

Xander's Cup Creation

Landyn's Rainbow Experiment

Landyn's rainbow

Peyton's Nature MUD painting with a nature paintbrush she made.

She titled it "Camping by the Mountains"

Gussie's butterfly

Gussie's rainbow

Gussie and her brother Oskar with the rainbow experiment

Bruin and his puppies!

Gussie plays piano for summer school