
Instructions for registration

To register to the conference as a speaker, please:

To register to the conference as a participant only,  please: 

Fees for conference participants

The fee includes access to the conference sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, and gala dinner.

For those participating to the EFI conference, the registration to the EFI association is compulsory. 

Fees for accompanying persons 

The fee includes access to the gala dinner.

Payment procedure

The total fee (200-250 € for participants, 100-150 € for accompanying persons) must be paid by wire transfer to the following bank account. 

Notice that other payment methods, including on-site payment by cash or card, cannot be accepted.

Wire transfer recipient: Energy Finance Italia APS
IBAN code: IT28E0538711280000003308609
BIC (swift code): BPMOIT22XXX
Description: "Participation fee for EFI10 <your Name> <your Surname> <your Institution>