Conference Presentations

Bettega - Lawrence of Arrakis.pptx

Simone Bettega
Lawrence of Arrakis and Other Tales of Language Commodification: on the necessity of a "Meta-Sociolinguistics" for Fictional Universes

Bobeck - Root or Stem - Adûnaic.pdf

Dominique Bobeck
Root- or Stem-Based Approaches to Templatic Morphology? Evidence from Adûnaic

Cohen - Language without metaphors.pdf

Ariel Cohen

Can we Construct a Language without Metaphors?

Enguehard - Teaching linguistic methods.pdf

Guillaume Enguehard

Creative Reshaping or Linguistic Conservatism: What happens when Nadsat meets other languages?

Enguehard Lampitelli Luo - Theoretical Principles.pdf

Guillaume Enguehard, Nicola Lampitelli, Xiaoliang Luo

Constructing languages to explore theoretical principles

Implementing Natural Language Processing and Visual Networks for Identifying Literature Landmarks on ConLang Research

Simon Gonzales

Implementing Natural Language Processing and Visual Networks for Identifying Literature Landmarks on ConLang Research

Hietaranta - Constructed Languages and L2 translation.pptx

Pertti Hietaranta

Constructed languages and L2 translation: comparing conlang translation with natural language translation

Malamatidou - Nadsat meets other languages.pptx

Sofia Malamatidou

Creative Reshaping or Linguistic Conservatism: What happens when Nadsat meets other languages?


Chiara Meluzzi

The phonological and lexical distribution of Klingon <tlh> [tɬ]

Thallman Peterson - Aldjen Helt.pdf

Christian Thalmann, David J. Peterson

Aldjen Helt: Creating the Fjerdan Language for Netflix' Shadow & Bone