Conference Presentations

Simone Bettega
Lawrence of Arrakis and Other Tales of Language Commodification: on the necessity of a "Meta-Sociolinguistics" for Fictional Universes

Dominique Bobeck
Root- or Stem-Based Approaches to Templatic Morphology? Evidence from Adûnaic

Ariel Cohen
Can we Construct a Language without Metaphors?

Guillaume Enguehard
Creative Reshaping or Linguistic Conservatism: What happens when Nadsat meets other languages?

Guillaume Enguehard, Nicola Lampitelli, Xiaoliang Luo
Constructing languages to explore theoretical principles

Pertti Hietaranta
Constructed languages and L2 translation: comparing conlang translation with natural language translation

Sofia Malamatidou
Creative Reshaping or Linguistic Conservatism: What happens when Nadsat meets other languages?

Chiara Meluzzi
The phonological and lexical distribution of Klingon <tlh> [tɬ]

Christian Thalmann, David J. Peterson
Aldjen Helt: Creating the Fjerdan Language for Netflix' Shadow & Bone